Nadine Richmond

Nadine Richmond

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Nadine Richmond was born in Chicago but she currently resides in Tennessee. She has studied the word of God extensively for over 30 years and she accepted the Lord as her savior and became a Christian at the age of 19.

Her passion is studying the Bible. She has a heartfelt desire for people to know who Jesus is and the relationship they have with him. She is a minister of the gospel and the Co-Founder of the organization The Church Readiness Ministries. She has a published book titled “The New Birth: Going Onto Perfection.” 

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, reading, and working puzzles. She also holds two degrees, a Bachelor of Arts Degree and a Master of Business Administration from Ashford University.


Interview with Nadine Richmond

Why did I write this book?

Writing a book was not what my intentions were in the beginning. One day while studying the word of God the scripture in II Corinthians 5:17 caught my attention. As I looked at the scripture, I began to ask questions, such as what does it mean to “be in Christ?” I began to research the meaning of the different words and the more I studied, the more God opened this scripture to me. I was amazed when I saw how much information we could obtain from just one scripture. As I studied and wrote, one day it occurred to me that I was writing a book, during this time writing of the book consumed me. I would write every time the opportunity arose, which was practically every day. At the time, I did not realize the importance of such a work. More recently, as I began writing again God showed me how much people need this work. I have seen the division in Christianity, the division concerning the new birth, the division in doctrines and people not knowing what to believe because Satan has brought in much confusion.

What are you working on next?

I am working on two books one is about Faith and the other book is about Strongholds and what we can do to break free from them.


Connect with the Author

Nadine Richmond is available for book signings and speaking engagements.  You can contact her atEMAIL

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