Our Mission
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God has given The Church Readiness Ministries a Two-fold Mission  

(1) A lead role in providing revelation knowledge to help effect the mandate given to the leadership of the Church according to Ephesians 4:11-16 to edify his body "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." It is being reported that today there are more than 41,000 denominations around the world.  In other words, there are more than 41,000 different winds of doctrines.  Surely, all will not come to the unity of the faith and to the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.  Nevertheless, we must work toward that end, therefore The Church Readiness Ministries was created to help effect this move of God to work with the Saints of God around the world to come together as one.

(2)  Provide counsel to the leadership of the nation to include both the spiritual and political leaders regarding the Way of the Lord in the name of Jesus.  America is in trouble and unless the leaders of this nation discover and acknowledge the nation’s sin, receive the counsel of God, and repent, surely America will be destroyed.  This destruction could happen on our watch.  God loves America and God wants to heal America, consequently God continues to send warnings through His prophets.  Therefore, we share revelations, revelation knowledge, warnings, and counsel at the direction of God in the name of Jesus. 

Therefore God has given this mission to The Church Readiness Ministries for the scripture says that the bride will make herself ready. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come; and his wife hath made herself ready” Revelation 19:7.

Our Goals

  • To transcend denominational walls and provide information to truly edify the Body of Christ. We realize that there are many who profess to be Christians who have never received the Holy Spirit, moreover there are many who do not know their gifts and the power that has been given to them as children of God in the name of JESUS.  To address this problem, God has directed us to draw from the lessons learned from Apostle Paul’s experiences at Ephesus as it is recorded in Acts Chapter 19.
  • To establish a training center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee to empower Saints throughout the nation and help open eyes of the people of God as they learn to serve Him in a more perfect way. There will be special training for Church leaders that will transcend denominational lines and also training for people who want to serve God in a more perfect way. Revelation Knowledge will be provided that is not currently being taught in Bible Colleges and Universities.   The leadership of the Church will learn how to serve God in a more perfect way in the name of Jesus.
  • To re-establish The Bible Way Full Gospel Church in Oak Ridge TN founded by Pastor Robert Richmond, his Assistant Pastor was Elder Holland. A church has been established however God changed the name to Bible Way Church. To learn more visit our YouTube channel, Bible Way Church
  • To keep the Saints of God informed; we use our website and our YouTube channel to this end. The Saints must understand what has happened, what is happening today, and what is to come, based on the word of God given to his servants the prophets of old and current revelations given to his servants the prophets today. Without revelation knowledge, God’s people will be held captive to Satan because he has transformed himself into an angel of light, and if it were possible he would deceive the very elect. 
  • To ensure that the Saints of God have more opportunities to:

          (1) Take heed to what the word of God is saying to His people.

          (2) Become aware of the devices of Satan; we must wake up and see how much he has influenced the affairs of this world and the Church

          (3) Become concerned with the issues we face in this nation.

          (4) Be empowered and informed to become that salt and light and shine in the darkness.  Jesus said we are to let our light shine; can you take light and hide it under a bushel? We must understand that many have failed in this area.

Many people believe that what happens in the world is of no consequence to them because this is what they have been taught. Many have been taught not to get involved, but just wait on the Lord’s return. However, Jesus commanded us to work, Jesus said “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” St. John 9:4. It is true this world is not our home, but God did not call us to just go to church, we must work and one way is to let our voices be heard.

The Church Readiness Ministries provides counsel through conferences, workshops, books, CDs, DVDs, teachings, and postings on this site. We are available to travel worldwide at the direction of God, and we offer training and teaching to help prepare teachers for bringing forth revelation knowledge not currently being taught at colleges and Bible schools.  Moreover, God continues to reveal revelation knowledge pertaining to the state of America; these revelations are passed onto the leaders of this nation.  God wants to heal America; however, the leaders must fear God based on his precepts.  Again, one of our goals is to continue to share the ways of the Lord with the leadership of America, both Christian leadership and political leadership.

We must realize that we are in a war, a spiritual war. For many, this will be a hard saying and some will reject it, however, will you be one to stand up and let God shine his light through you?

Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. and Prophetess Nadine Richmond





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