Press Release - No Support from the President

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Declaring August 2012 A National Month of Repentance for the United States – No Support from the President

            Jackson, TN – July 30, 2012 – America needs to be healed and only God can heal this land in the name of JESUS.  According to Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr., Christians are crying out throughout the nation for repentance for the United States, however they have not received any help from the President in declaring August 2012 as a National Month of Repentance for the United States.  Over the past four months, the Prophet has been involved in an intense initiative to coordinate a national movement to declare August 2012 as a National Month of Repentance for the United States. 

             The Prophet discovered that Americans have been crying out throughout the nation for repentance.  Many Christians have posted videos, written articles, and held special prayer services praying for repentance, and many activities are scheduled throughout the remainder of the year.  Prophet Richmond said God has put on his heart to coordinate these efforts and to help ensure that the inclusive ways of the Lord are shared in love and the cries of thousands who have expressed their pleadings for the nation to turn to God are heard.  Through this effort more than 200 major Christian organizations have been contacted throughout the nation.  A special web site, “Revelation Up to the Minute”  has been created to help facilitate the movement and to help the people of God to understand the inclusive ways of the Lord.  The web site includes more than 200 articles and videos from Christian leaders throughout the nation and links videos to more than 400 calls to repentance. 

             This web site brings the Christian community together; it helps us to focus and consolidate our efforts as one by learning and sharing in love.  We have asked the President for his support however we did not receive it.  Thus only true Christians can call this nation to repentance, praise God for each one of you - you have spoken and the Call for Repentance is now Declared.  Let us praise God.  Here is our report on the coordinating process.

  During this coordinating process we discovered that God has put on the heart of Pastor Steven Andrew of the USA Christian Ministries to call for 7 months of Repentance from July 2012 until January 2013.  Pastor Andrew has developed a detailed plan of action that focuses on declaring Jesus as King of the United States.  Pastors and Christian leaders can download a copy of this plan from the USA Christian Church web site:  USA Christian Church

 In divine order, the Family Research Council coordinated a “Call2Fall” Movement for Christians across America to fall on their knees and faces before the Lord in repentant prayer on July 1, 2012, pleading with God to reshape our lives, renew our land, and send times of refreshing in accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Acts 3:19 – More than 1.5 million people pledged to take this to the church, therefore millions of Americans were on their knees praying for the nation on July 1. 

  On Friday July 27, 2012, God brought together Christian Leaders from across the country to speak to the people of God on Day Star TV.  The Program was titled: "Under God Indivisible."  Under GOD-INDIVISIBLE was a one day conference designed to gather pastors and Christian business leaders together to equip, encourage and discuss the biblical perspective regarding 19 of the most critical spiritual, social and economic concerns of the United States and demonstrate how the church can and must address these issues. It was a day to unite and call on GOD for another Great Awakening. The day hosted 4 teaching sessions 2 Question and answer sessions was followed up with a city wide Worship service.  A video of this event will be made available on the web.   For information on other “Under God Indivisible Events” visit the website:  Undergodindivisible

             Surely, this is a movement of God.  This also explained why the call has been made for August as a National Month of Repentance for the United States; this will be only one of the seven months of repentance.   During this period there will be a national campaign to share the inclusive ways of the Lord.  Before repentance, we must discover our sin.  Therefore, it is imperative that Christians have an opportunity to learn more about the inclusive ways of the Lord.  Moreover, it also of utmost important that after Christians understand the inclusive ways of the Lord that they have the opportunity to search themselves and the activities of the United  States government to discover their personal sins and the sins of the nation. 

  According to Pastor Steven Andrew, we all must pray for the mercy of God; it is important that Christians’ focus be on Jesus and declaring Jesus as King of the United States and elect leaders who truly fear God.  Since Christ is King, it is imperative that we elect true Christian leaders.  A simple test can be performed by Christians as they consider candidates.  (1) What does the person profess regarding Christ (2) Are their demonstrated actions in alignment with the doctrine of Christ (3) Are they able and just (4) Are the candidates trustworthy.

             Other initiatives to help secure the future include; (1) “Project Pray,” (2) “the Repent America Project,” (3) “God Save America Project,” and (4) the activities of the United States Reformation Prayer Network, etc.   Another activity of the FRC include a Live TV Broadcast National worshipping Service on September 9, 2012, is being organized called “I –Pledge Event” linking churches around the country for a Sunday night service.   Moreover, God has given a vision to Dr. Rick Scarborough to call for 40 days of prayer services, fasting and repentance focusing on the upcoming national election - 40 days to save America starting on September 28, and continuing through November 6, 2012 the day of the election until the polls close.  There are other projects like these throughout the nation.

             On June 20, 2012, the Prophet wrote to President Barack Obama asking for his assistance by declaring the month of August as A National Month of Repentance for the United States.  However, as of this date the Prophet has not heard from the President.  The Prophet says it is apparent that the President does not get it; and he does not understand the ways of the Lord; he must be told the truth.  The Prophet said that he has written the President more than ten times regarding the fate of this nation.  However, after the President decided to support same-sex marriage, he wrote him a very personal letter and shared with him the danger of developing a reprobate mind, a mind that is depraved; a mind that rejects the way of the Lord; and that is morally depraved; the mind of a wicked person.  In other words, it is when a person does not know what is in their best interest and does it their way instead of the way of the Lord.  The President must be told that God gave these people over to their reprobate minds because of their vile affections, their own lusts of the flesh. 

             President Obama must be told that he cannot be their savior and as long as he walks away from the way of the Lord, the more of a reprobate mind he has.  Christians have a duty to tell the members of the LGBT community the truth, Jesus is the only Saviour, the President of the United States cannot save them.  Moreover, they also must be told that the NAACP cannot be their counselor, if so they all will be damned.

             The people of God cannot allow the agenda’s of people who have become fools according to the word of God (Romans 1:22) to dictate the values of this nation, if America is a nation under God and Jesus is the King. For God knows what is best for His creation – President Barack Obama must be told and every true Christian must stand firm on the word of God.  Surely it is time for repentance.   The Prophet explains although he has written the President personally, however it is highly possible that the President never received the communication – For it is written people work deep in the dark to hide the counsel of God from His people.  (Isaiah 29:15)

  The Prophet pointed out that the focus of the National Month of Repentance is not on same-sex marriage, however the inclusive ways of the Lord.  When we consider God’s inclusive ways, we must also include the things that God hates according to the word of God.  (1) A proud look (2) A lying tongue (3) Hands that shed innocent blood (4) A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations (5) Feet that be swift in running to mischief (6) A false witness that speaketh lies  and (7) He that soweth discord among brethren.  Surely, if we take a close look at these things, we will find homosexual activities and abortion, which are included in the wicked imaginations; however it does not end with these two.  We must see the killing of 3,000 people at the World Trade Center as the shedding of innocent blood; however we must also see the shedding of innocent blood by the killing of 655,000 Iraqis without provocation.  Prophet Richmond exclaims, surely, this is not smooth talk.  He stated that many of these ways are not under discussion; however each one of them is so important for the people in America to discover their sins to effect healing of the land.

  Surely all Christians can agree with Pastor Andrew when he prays for the USA to repent of being a lukewarm nation (Rev. 3:16), from the foreign gods (Exod.20:2-3),  to repent from the lie of "separation of church and state" (2 Tim. 2:12, Mark 12:30), repent from the taking of the Holy Bible and Christian prayer out of schools (Eph.6:4),  repent of the sin of 53-plus million abortions (Exod. 20:13), repent of sexual and homosexual sin (1 Cor. 6:9-10, 2 Peter 2:6), and to repent of voting for ungodly people – to include any current unprincipled politician and those who believe in another  gospel – a gospel that does not confess that Jesus is the only begotten son of God, and to repent of desiring other people’s money in covetousness (Exod. 20:17).    Prophet Richmond explains these are some of the manifestation that we can see that we need to repent from; however there are some not as apparent.

  The Prophet explained that God is still looking for an offering in righteousness as in the former years.  Therefore, God promised to bring judgment near to us.  In the book of Malachi the Lord says that He would be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, and against the false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me.   Let us take a quick look at two of these things the Lord hates – oppressing the hireling in his wages and oppressing the widow and the fatherless.  First to oppress the hireling in his wages – this includes failing to pay living wages and outsourcing and closing up plants in the United States and opening up plants in other countries in search for the lowest possible wages to produce goods or services.  How do you oppress the widow and the fatherless?  Answer: By cutting social welfare programs.

  It is imperative that God’s people in America learn to fear him based on His precepts.  For it is written, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  To seek the face of the Lord, we must understand His ways and elect leaders who fear God.

  Biblical history shows that leaders who did not fear God caused the people of God to err.  According to scriptures, in summary the last word of King David was that the God of Israel, the Rock of Israel spake to me and said, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God (2 Samuel 23:1-3).  It is a very serious problem if the leader of a nation becomes a reprobate!  If this should happen, the leader will not do what is pleasing in the sight of God and the leader will abuse the power that the people have invested in him or her – surely this will mark the fall of any great nation.  In light of the upheavals that impact this nation, surely today it is imperative that we elect a president and leaders who fear God.  Though there are many who profess that they are Christian, however they do not fear God because they were never taught to fear God based on the precepts of God, thus they honor the Lord with their lips however their hearts are far from God.

  For America to be healed we must discuss the inclusive ways of God to include the things that God hates and the things that are under judgment today according to scriptures. It is unfortunate the inclusive ways of the Lord are not on the political table for discussion for either party nor are they understood by most.  During the Month of August this is our opportunity to learn the inclusive ways of the Lord before we vote for leaders that will govern the affairs of the nation that we all love, the United States of America.   Brothers and Sisters in Christ let us come together and humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of the Living God in the Name of Jesus, and discover our sin and repent – surely the Living God in the name of Jesus will heal this land.         

 The month of August is designated as a period that we can come together as a nation and seek the face of God and discover His ways.  To help facilitate the process we have prepared a list of subjects that can be used to help guide us throughout this period. 

  (1)  Learning to Fear God from the Precepts of God!

 (2)  The Things that God Hates

 (3)  The Promise of Bringing Judgment Near to Us

 (4)  How God Applies His Judgments to Nations

 (5) Why Did God Cast the House of Israel and the House of Judah Out of His Sight?

 (6)  How to Receive Peace As A River and Righteousness as the Waves of the Sea?

 (7)  The Problems of Putting Our Trust in Our Military

 (8)  God's Published and Declared Standards for Babylon and the Images of Babylon

 (9)  God Controls the Storms as a Man does it by Hand - Positioning America to Receive His Blessing

 (10)  God's Institution of Marriage - Why We Should Protect It?

 (11)  Christian's Duties in a Democracy

 (12)  The Spiritual State of America

 (13)  The Mystery of God's Will

 (14)  The Mystery of the Fellowship

 (15)  The Mystery of Iniquity

 (16)  The Mystery of Godliness

 (17)  For the Love of Money is the Root of All Evil: Lesson Learned - Tyrus

 (18)  Terrorism - The Fruit of Trusting in Oppression and Perverseness

 (19)  Positioning Ourselves to Receive God's Blessings - May God Bless America

 (20) The Revelation of the Middle East Crisis

             This web site includes more than 200 articles and videos from Christian leaders throughout the nation and links videos to more than 400 calls to repentance.  We have also posted letters that were written to Former President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama of warnings, Godly Counsel, and revelation knowledge.   This knowledge is shared in love.  We pray that you will join us for this period of repentance.  Let us pray that America becomes a nation established in righteousness, a nation far from oppression, a nation without fear, and terror would not come near this nation, a nation with peace as a river, and righteousness as the waves of the sea; and a nation trusting in God showing us how to profit.  (Isaiah 48:17-18 and Isaiah 54:14).

 Here are several suggested activities that could be held during this period: (1) Teach-ins (2) Community Forums (3) Special Prayer Services for the Nations (4) Publishing of Articles in the Local News Paper (5) Radio/Television Discussion Forums. In addition to these suggestions, on this site there is a category that list other suggestions and successful events and activities.

 If you would like more information about this topic view the website  or to schedule an interview with Elmore Richmond, contact him at:

  Elmore Richmond Jr.

  P.O. 2935

  Jackson, TN 38302

  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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