Elder Kendrick Murray Attacks God's Mail Carriers For Exposing Satan's Plan to Restrict Women

March 17, 2019
Elder Kendrick Murray attacks two of God's mail carriers after he received communications exposing Satan's plan to restrict women's roles in the Church. The plan calls for Elder Murray to repent and to stop following doctrines of man - Elder Murray goes into a rage of anger and attacks the Mail carriers of God, Prophet Elmore Richmond and Prophetess/Pastor Nadine Richmond of the Church Readiness Ministries. This video shows Elder Murray, rejecting the notion that Apostle Paul was a Man of God and at times he took actions when he was in his flesh; however in the midst of the rejection - Elder Murray while in his flesh attacks the mail carriers of God. This video not only covers the attacks by Murray on God's mail carriers, however it reveals Satan's Plan to restricts women's roles in the Church and how it was done. Moreover, it clearly shows how Elder Murray has been deceived and how Satan is using him today. This video is recommended for every Christian who have love for TRUTH - It is recommended that you watch this video to the very end to receive the full revelation and to discover what the Church must do now to thwart Satan's plan. https://www.revelationuptotheminute.org/en/

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