God's Message to the Body of Christ and America

God's Message to the Body of Christ and America

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God’s Messages to the

                                                                           Body of Christ and America


Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. and Prophetess Nadine Richmond had the opportunity to teach at the Where Eagles Fly Boot Camp in May 2019 in Durham, N. C.  The Boot Camp was for Prophets and Prophetess; however, the teaching was for every saint that would like to serve God in a more perfect way.  During the Boot Camp God gave us messages for the Body of Christ and the United States of America.

Apostle Ken Cox and Prophetess Sabina Cox, the Founders of Where Eagles Fly Ministries, have given us the opportunity to share this powerful teaching with you on the Church Readiness Ministries website.  More importantly, this is what GOD in the name of JESUS would have us to do. It is recorded that they all slept until the call was made.  It is of the utmost importance to understand that God poured out the spirit of deep sleep and have closed the eyes of the prophets, rulers, and seers and the vision of all is become unto you as words of a book that is sealed.  (Isaiah 28:10-12)  Consequently, today many will not take time out and watch these videos.  However, we pray in the name of JESUS that you will take time out and watch each of these videos and receive the revelation in the name of JESUS. 

Below are the links of five presentations that we presented at the Boot Camp:

Check Up For the Body of Christ – America Wake Up

Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. gave this powerful presentation. This video clearly shows the impact of false doctrines, vain deceit, philosophy, rudiments of the world, and tradition of men on the Church; consequently, the Body of Christ has been wounded and needs to be healed. Revelation knowledge is provided and makes the case for a Check Up for the Body of Christ to identify the wounds and to clean them. It is clearly explained how the Church is currently walking contrary to the Way of the LORD. Moreover, the video shows why God poured out the spirit of deep sleep on the House of Israel before it was doomed. And how God has poured out the spirit of deep sleep on the Saints today! Moreover, this work points out the reasons why the United States is in trouble today and what the Church must do now for God to heal the wound of the Body of Christ. It provides instructions that empower the Saints to address the divide, and give the Saints revelation knowledge that is designed to assist them to go forth with much-needed knowledge to ensure that the counsel of God goes forth to the leadership of America. This counsel was given to President Donald Trump to prevent war with Iran. This video is for every person who believes in the name of JESUS.  Click here to watch the video!


Doing It Your Way – A Lesson Learned

Prophetess Nadine Richmond gave this powerful presentation!   God wants us to know why it is important to follow his instructions. We can learn this lesson through the life of Apostle Paul in the book of Acts.   Chick here to watch the video!


What is the Flesh of JESUS The Revelation of JESUS Christ

God used Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. to share revelation knowledge regarding tasks that were given to Apostle John regarding the Revelation of JESUS Christ. Viewers are provided the opportunity to see the foundation for the affirmation that Apostle John made when he said: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Viewers will understand why Jesus said that Christians must eat His flesh. The Saints of God are afforded a real opportunity to discover what is the flesh of Jesus! - The Revelation of the Son of God unto a perfect man and the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ will no longer be a mystery to them. This is a powerful revelation that most Christians do not understand; this revelation empowers Saints of God to go forth and serve the LORD in a more perfect way.  Click here to watch the video


Man Appoints, But GOD calls and Confirms

Prophetess Nadine Richmond gives a short personal testimony regarding GOD calling her to the ministry. However, God uses her in this video to give a powerful presentation at Where Eagles Fly Boot Camp to empower Saints around the world. She stresses the importance of knowing your calling and not allowing anyone to label you. She shares information to empower every woman who has been called to the ministry as an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or teacher. This short video exposes Satan's plan to prevent women from serving in the roles that GOD in the name of JESUS has called them. This video will bless all viewers who have a love for truth.  Click here to watch video


Testimony From A Prophet to the Nation: Revelation Up to the Minute

Many do not believe that God has prophets today! However, this video provides evidence that clearly shows that GOD in the name of JESUS continues to reveal His secrets to His servants, the prophets. Prophet Elmore Richmond gave his personal testimony at the Where Eagles Fly Boot Camp in May 2019. Prophet Richmond professes that God revealed to him 9/11 before it happened. The video clearly shows that he first wrote President George W. Bush thirteen times, President Barack Obama more than 30 times and President Donald Trump more than 15 times. Viewers are also given an opportunity to view footage of a video that was recorded in 2001 when he was warning the nation, as he is warning the nation today about going to war with Iran.  He also shares revelations such as the three unclean spirits as frogs, and he provides counsel to the leadership. The viewers are able to see that the revelations that he shared in 2001 and the counsel is for Christians and the leadership of America today. Moreover, lessons learned are shared and revelation knowledge is provided to empower and encourage the saints who have been called and chosen by GOD in the name of JESUS. The video also includes a song that was written in 1994 titled: America - America - you will be able to hear the cry for the leadership to hearken to the counsel of God as you watch the social decay and the failure of Congress and other leaders to address the affairs of the nation. To receive the revelations the viewers must watch the video to the very end

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