Coronavirus 19 What GOD is Saying Today!

Coronavirus 19 What GOD is Saying Today!

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Coronavirus 19

What GOD is Saying Today!

For GOD so loved the world that HE gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.   Since GOD loves people, why are so many people dying today from Coronavirus 19?   Did GOD also send his Son to heal the sick?  Answer:  Yes GOD did!  Is the Church today the Body of Christ?  If JESUS was in the flesh today – Could JESUS walk the streets of New York and heal all?  Did JESUS say that the work that HE did we would be able to do and greater works?  Do the members of the Body of Christ have a habitation with GOD in the Spirit?  Have the members of the Church been given the same glory that JESUS had when He walked this earth so the world will know that GOD is with them?    Today when the people of the world see members of the Church can they see the power of GOD in the members of the Church?  Is GOD pleased with the activities of the Church today?  Is the Church divided?  Do you know what GOD wants the Church to do today to end the Coronavirus 19 pandemic?  Do you know what the Church must do now to make the Bride ready for the second coming of Our LORD and Savior JESUS Christ?

This article was first published on April 12, 2020.  Today is December 2, 2021!  What GOD said in 2020 has not changed!  However, today GOD is providing more insight on how to end this pandemic because today leaders of the world are walking in error.  GOD has great scientists and doctors around the world, however some of His best in their fields have not been allowed to participate in resolving this crisis.  Moreover, the scientists and doctors are attempting to address a world by address the concerns within their borders; this is a serious mistake. Click on this link and discover what must happen now to address this crisis and to end this pandemic.

GOD gave the revelation of Coronavirus 19 to Oral Roberts in 2004; Oral Roberts was known around the world for the healing ministry that GOD gave him.  He died in 2009 however in 2004 he shared a visitation that he had with GOD in the name of JESUS; this revelation was captured on a video.  Life is being brought back to the visitation so the world can hear what GOD is saying; surely this is a wakeup call for the Church and the world.

This video provides answers to the questions posed in the opening paragraph.  Moreover, you will also discover what we must do today to address Coronavirus 19 and how to effect the healing of the nations.  In the video; Oral Roberts shared the vision, Kenneth Copeland gives the interpretation, and Richard Roberts facilitates the discussion in 2004.  The primary footage of this video is taken from the video: “The Wake Up Call: Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, and Billye Brim.”

Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. brings it to life, the revelation for today at the direction of GOD.  This video is for all, regardless of how long you have been in the ministry of the gospel of Christ.  As you watch this video, you will also realize as Oral Roberts came to realize, that at the age of 86 years old; he thought that he was close to GOD, however, after he received this revelation from GOD he realized that he could have done more.  He explained that he felt like asking GOD to give him another chance.  This video is not only for people in the United States however this video is for people throughout the GOD!  It is important to watch the video to the very end to discover how we can bring an end to this Coronavirus 19 pandemic and to bring healing to the land in the name of JESUS.  The name of the video is titled: Coronavirus 19: The Revelation that GOD gave Oral Roberts in 2004.  Click here to watch video

Besides receiving the revelation, GOD wants the Church to take action now so the world will know that GOD is with the people who truly believe in Christ JESUS.  The title of the video is "Coronavirus 19: What GOD Wants the Church to Do Now - Doing the Work of GOD" This video shows GOD gave the revelation of Coronavirus 19 to Oral Roberts in 2004. Besides revealing the revelation, it shows what GOD wants the Church to do today so the world will know that GOD is with the people who truly believe in Christ JESUS. Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. with fire in his belly delivers a powerful message that clearly explains the power that GOD has given to Christians who really believe. In addition to acknowledging how COVID-19 is also killing pastors and Christians around the world, the prophet explains how to effectively use the gift of healing and the gift of faith to do the works of GOD as JESUS did when HE walked the earth as the Son of GOD to a perfect Man. And Nadine Richmond, the Co-founder of The Church Readiness Ministries provides insight on how the Coronavirus 19 has impacted the nation and world. Moreover, she encourages the Body of Christ to wake up from their deep sleep and do the work that GOD has called His Church to do in the name of JESUS. Some footage taken from the video “Coronavirus 19: GOD gave to Oral Roberts this revelation in 2004" is also included in this video to give viewers an opportunity to hear what GOD told one of  HIS servants. A servant who was known for allowing GOD in the name of JESUS to use him to heal people around the world. The video shows that GOD revealed to Oral Roberts how HE (GOD) would be mocked because healing is not going forth - Oral Roberts explains that GOD expresses His displeasure about the state of the Church and the fact that healing is not going forth. Oral Roberts explains that GOD pronounced that HE (GOD) would do something about this.   

This work is designed to empower the Church because GOD heals the sick through the Body of Christ. It clearly explains the charge that is being given to the Church today to address Coronavirus 19 based on the Word of GOD. Prophet Richmond provides instructions based on scriptures on how to carry out the work and how to move self out the way and allow the power of GOD's healing to go forth. Lessons learned are shared to help Christians understand why it is important to move only at the direction of GOD when addressing the Coronavirus pandemic. This work provides much-needed knowledge to help prevent other pastors and Christians from falling victim to Coronavius 19 while serving GOD in the name of JESUS. This video is not only for people in the United States however this video is for people throughout the world! It is important to watch the video to the very end to discover how we can bring an end to this Coronavirus 19 pandemic and to bring healing to the land in the name of JESUS.   Click on the link to watch the video. "Coronavirus 19: What GOD Wants the Church to do Now - Doing the Work of GOD"

Visit the Church Readiness Ministries Website at: https://www.revelationuptotheminute.o...

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