Letter to President Barack Obama, December 23, 2014

Letter to President Barack Obama, December 23, 2014

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Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

P. O. Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 38302-2935


December 23, 2014


President Barack Obama

The White House

Washington, D. C. 20500


Dear President Obama:

            There are answers to addressing the crises that confront the nation today.  This includes the crisis of:

(1)   Police Unjustified Killing of Black Men

(2)   Killing of Police Officers and Future Retaliations by the Police

(3)   Terrorism

(4)   Gang Violence

(5)   Discrimination and Racial Violence

(6)   Social and Economic Injustice

Mr. President, God has sent me again to share His counsel to the nation to address these issues. However, before addressing these issues, allow me to share these revelations that will happen shortly. 

Revelation One:  A Ship Being Destroyed Just Prior to Docking.  On or about December 14, 2014 in a dream I saw a ship, the vessel was carrying people.  It appeared that the ship was coming into port; it could have been a military port.  However, before the ship docked something happened.  The ship appeared to have hit something beneath or it just torn apart; nevertheless it went down immediately.  I recalled crying out that we need help to save these people that were aboard the ship. 

Next, I went into a nearby eatery, I did not want to cause a panic because I noticed men, women and children in the facility.  I asked the military officers to fall out and follow me.   Once outside of the facility, I told them what had happened to the ship and explained that there are people that need to be rescued.  I immediately woke from the dream. 

Mr. President, as a Prophet of God in the name of Jesus I am confident that this will happen soon.  I will not post this revelation on any social media or submit it to the press before it happens.  However, I am sharing it with you because you are the President and the Commander-In-Chief. 

Revelation Two:  A Bus on an Overpass Incident.  On or about December 15, 2014, I had another dream; I saw a bus on what appeared to be an overpass, something had happened and the people in the surrounding area were asked to evacuate so the officials could get in and do their jobs.  I woke up immediately from the dream. 

Mr. President, I do not know the nature of this incident on the bus, however it is significant because God revealed it to me.  Surely this will happen soon.  As in the past, God has revealed things to me to let you know that He has sent me. 

        Mr. President, I completed this letter on December 20, 2014, however before I was able to put it in the mail, the shooting of the two police in New York happened.   This is very sad to see these evil acts. Now we must pray that we do not witness future retaliations by the Police.  Listen carefully, about three weeks ago God showed me police using rifles and shooting at people as if it was target practice.  I pray that this will not happen. 

Now allow me to direct your attention to unjustified killings of black men and boys at the hand of the police; no indictment by grand jury, no conviction by jury, failure to prosecute by state attorney, and the outcry of citizens across the nation.  Surely, Mr. President it was a wise decision for you to appoint a commission to study this problem and make recommendations to you.  Mr. President, I have already studied this problem and I reported my findings to the nation in May of 1992 after the Los Angles riot.  I have enclosed a copy of the video for you to review. 

Of course in 1992, I did not mention a video camera being affixed to each officer’s uniform because at the time this technology was not available.  Nevertheless, there was a video of Mr. Rodney King’s beating which clearly showed the unjustified excessive use of force and the jury did not convict the officers.  Moreover, there was a video of the killing of Mr. Eric Garner; however there was not an indictment by the grand jury.  Surely, cameras affixed to police uniforms will prevent some from engaging in misconduct.  However this will not fix the problem.  Surely, police need better training this too will help.  I retired from the Air Force in 1989 as superintendent of Social Actions, prior to retiring I personally developed a training course and trained about 140 contracted police officers that were providing the base security after an incident happened at Los Angeles Air Force Base. (The incident were very similar to the Rodney King Beating – it happened in the 1980’s) Some of the officers were moonlighting from the local police departments.   After I retired, I modified the course and offered it to LAPD to no-avail.  (I still have the modified course and records on file.) 

Surely, more training is needed.  However, we must remember there were no police on the jury or grand jury when they made their decisions.  Therefore, we cannot blame the police for this failure of the system when a jury fails to convict, when a grand jury fails to indict, or when a state attorney fails to prosecute.   It is apparent that we must address a failed system that goes beyond the misconduct of the police.  Mr. President, I invite you to view the enclosed video of the report that I made to the nation in 1992 because all recommendations that were made at that time are vital today.  To truly prevent these unjustified killings of black men and boys by the police, there must be a change in the culture of police departments around the nation and police must police the police.  There must be a change in the culture whereby police officers feel free to correct other officers without the fear of retaliation or to report the misconduct of other officers without fear or reprisals. 

Now, allow me to direct your attention to the other crises mentioned at the onset of this communication.  To that end, I have shared in the past as God has directed me; consequently I have shared about thirty (30) letters as of this date.  God has taken note of some of your corrected actions.  However, it is apparent that you have not demonstrated that you understand it is about the spiritual state of the nation that breeds these crises.  Moreover, the leadership of the nation has demonstrated that they do not fear God.  Consequently, they continue to toy with people by taking actions that are politically expedient instead of addressing root causes. 

On February 24, 2014 I wrote you and shared about the future riots in the streets of this nation and pointed out that people needed jobs and opportunities.   First it was in Louisville, Kentucky and then Ferguson, Missouri.  The riot and looting goes beyond the killing of Mr. Michael Brown, it was also about the lack of jobs and opportunities.  It is imperative that we address these conditions today. 

In respect to ending terrorism, on February 8, 2013, I shared a summary of communications to address terrorism and other social upheavals that are impacting the nation.  I have enclosed a copy of the base letter without the attachments.  In the past I have also shared a copy of my book titled: “Ending Terrorism In the United States; God Has Warned U. S.”  I invite you to personally read the letter dated February 8, 2013, the attachments and the book, “Ending Terrorism In the United States:     God Has Warned U. S.”  In the past, I have shared with you a copy of my book, titled: “The Power Pack: 101 Points To Social And Economic Justice.”  The book is currently out of print, however there are great answers therein to help address today’s problem.  I invite you to read this work also.  Surely, these attachments; and referenced books are available somewhere in the White House. However, please let me know if you need another copy of the book or communications.

In respect to the United States relationship with Russia – On March 12, 2014, I wrote you and explained my concerns.  Today, I pray that you will stop playing chess and engage in effective dialogue.

Mr. President, I love America and I want this nation to heal, experience peace, and prosperity.  However, as a Prophet of God I understand the way of the Lord and the direction of the nation.  As a nation, we are on the pathway that will only lead to destruction, it is imperative that you and the leadership of the nation understand the “Spiritual State of the Nation” before the nation is destroyed.  Remember, for it is recorded “A Nation divided against itself shall not Stand.” Surely, we can learn from the last words of King David as recorded in Samuel 23:2-3: “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.  The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.  And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after the rain.” 

Mr. President, I am a Prophet of God in the name of Jesus.  Jesus said at Luke 4:24: “Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.”  Therefore, I realized that I will not be accepted in the United States of America.  However, my job is to bring forth warnings as God has directed me.  I pray in the name of Jesus that you will adhere to these warnings.   


Sincerely yours.

Elmore Richmond Jr.

A Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus


Two Enclosures

Letter to President Obama, dated February 8, 2013

DVD Message to the Nation on Police Misconduct


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