Letter to President Trump, August 28 2017

Letter to President Trump, August 28 2017

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The Church Readiness Ministries

Elmore Richmond Jr.

Post Office Box 5042

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831

 August 28, 2017

 President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D. C.  20500

 Dear President Trump:

 Surely, you are right, there was blame on both sides and there were good people on both sides protesting and counter-protesting in Charlottesville.  Moreover, there is evidence that CNN is misusing the power of the press to undermine your presidency.  Please find enclosed an article that we have posted on the website titled: “Charlottesville! The Truth – Does It Matter?”  The article has hyperlinks to videos, articles, and letters, therefore you cannot appreciate the full scope of the communication in the printed form; it requires accessing it on the internet to realize the full impact of the communication.

 During this week the navy ordered a suspension of its vessels and Hurricane Harvey has now made land fall.  Mr. President, I wrote you on July 28, 2017 and gave you this revelation.  I would like to revisit that with you.  Here is a quote from that communication.


  • On or about July 6, 2017, God showed me Naval vessels that were near the coast line they may have been at the harbor of a naval base. There were a number of vessels there that appeared to be anchored, however I did not see anyone on these vessels.  Next I am on a base and go into a building, however I do not see any furniture; next I use the restroom, I only notice the commode.  As I exist the building, I recall saying I really need a boat to get to where I need to go.  The ground was covered with water.  Revelation – there will be major flooding soon and one of our naval bases will be impacted.  (Noted – I did not see any damage done to the vessels.)


  • On July 15, 2017, I had a dream that I was at a restaurant or dining facility. First I noticed that there were people seated and being served.  Next, I looked and there were no longer people and there was no one behind the serving line.   Next, it appeared that I was walking down some stairs.  And then I came into a room, I noticed individuals dressed in what appeared to be chemical warfare gear.  However, I noticed that the masks over their faces were white.  They were positioned as if they were ready to address an apparent threat.   I immediately, awoke up from the dream.  I do not know where I was in the dream.  However, every time I think about the dream, Philadelphia comes to my mind.

Surely, the revelations that God gave me regarding the United States Naval Vessels and the major flooding on the navy base have come to pass at the advent of the suspension of the Naval Vessels operation and the flooding on Corpus Christi.  However, I have not witnessed the dream of July 15, 2017 coming to pass as of this date.  However, it will come to pass shortly.

On February 4, 2017, I explained to you that I was a Prophet of God in the name of Jesus.  I also explained that God reveals things to me that go beyond your intelligence community’s capability.  Listen very carefully, President Bush and President Obama, both failed to adhere to the instructions from God, consequently this is the reason the nation is in the state that it is in today.  Here is a quote from the letter that I sent you on February 4, 2017.

“Do you know that God controls the storms as a man would by hand?  Consequently, as we go out and destroy other nations, God brings destruction back to us and one of the forces that God uses is storms to include floods and mighty winds.   Mr. President, it is imperative that you understand the way of the LORD.   Mr. President you will discover that today America is battling with the righteousness of God.  Here is the box we are in.  “Woe to Thee that spoilest and thou was not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! When thou shall cease to spoil, thou shall be spoiled; and when thou shall make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.  (Isaiah 33:1)”

Listen President Trump, God sent Hurricane Harvey to destroy.  President Bush was warned and President Barrack Obama was warned.  God loves people around the world, America cannot use our military might and destroy nations at will without being held accountable in the sight of God.  It is noteworthy to review what God did in 2010 when President Obama ended our combat role in Iraq.  Attached please find a copy of a letter dated May 31, 2011, that I wrote to President Obama.  Here is a quote from that communication:

“Did you know that God controls the storms as a man would do it by hands?  (Isaiah 28:2) Moreover, according to the word of God, standards have been declared as to how God will deal with nations that conduct their affairs like Babylon.  God says, “I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroyed wind; And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land; for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.”  (Jeremiah 51:1-2)

             Mr. President, Babylon is known as a hammer – this is what you are trying to do in a quest to shape the world!   In our quest to shape the world, we have killed many innocent people, destroyed the homes of the innocent in nations thousands of miles away.  Moreover, this year under your leadership, we have destroyed people homes, businesses, and other nations’ infrastructures.  These nations were not capable militarily to bring about this type of destruction to the shores of the United States.  Moreover, they had not posed any threat to the United States of America.  Mr. President, God loves mankind; God loves them throughout the world. 

             God has shown me very clearly and I pray that you will understand this truth.  As we go out and destroy properties of people in other nations, God brings destruction back to us.  One of the forces that God uses is destroying wind.  Last year, we had a few noteworthy storms in the United States; however we did not have destroying wind round about us.  In fact, On September 22, 2010, I submitted a Press Release, titled “President’s Action Help Direct the Path of Hurricanes.”  However, the media did not publish this release. Nevertheless, I have attached a copy of the release for your information.

             Mr. President, I pray as you survey the damages in cities around the nation that you think about the destruction we have brought to God’s people in other nations.  Last year, we were blessed after you ended our combat role in Iraq; Hurricane Earl changed its path.  Some weather reporters say we dodged a bullet, when Hurricane Earl turned and went north eastward.  After Hurricane Earl turned, then Hurricane Igor formed and headed directly toward the United States, however it turned.  Next it was Hurricane Julia, like Earl and Igor the storm made its approach, however it also turned away from the United States.  Mr. President, we did not dodge bullets, God controls these storms as a man would do it by hands.  I pray in the name of Jesus that you receive this counsel.”

President Trump, it is imperative that you understand the way of the Lord in the name of Jesus.  Surely, you are correct; we should have never invaded Iraq.  Moreover, President Obama did the right thing when he ended our combat role, however he should have also taken measures to help the people, the war was without provocation.  Nonetheless, the very next year, he decided to engage in nation building, attempting to make other nations in the image of the United States.  On May, 2011, at the direction of God in the Name of Jesus, I warned President Obama of the consequences of conducting the affairs of the United States like Babylon.  Surely, we have experienced calamity after calamity.

President Trump, you have just announced that you are enacting a new strategy for Afghanistan, surely a new strategy in much needed.  However, it is imperative to understand the way of the Lord.  On February 4, 2017, I explained the box that we find ourselves in as a nation.  Here is a quote from the letter. 

“Mr. President you will discover that today America is battling with the righteousness of God.  Here is the box we are in.  “Woe to Thee that spoilest and thou was not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! When thou shall cease to spoil, thou shall be spoiled; and when thou shall make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.  (Isaiah 33:1)”

President Trump, only the mercy of God can get us out of this box.   Some may tell you that our invasion in the Middle East had nothing to do with the destroying winds.  Please allow me to share what happened from the onset of our invasions in the Middle East and provide more insight regarding the way of the Lord.

On October 6, 2001, God directed me to write President George W. Bush and give him this warning.  This warning was given before we sent our first troop.

 We cannot win this war with our military might, because we created the bad fruit. Some have ripened, some have not ripened.  And the more military might we employ, the more bad seeds we will plant.   Page 40 of the attached book outlines specific commands that you must follow to secure this land and to help bring about peace to the world.  Below is a quote from the word of God that God gave to me.



“Recall your planes, ships, and My people.  Remove all unjust sanctions against countries around the world.  Rewrite your trade agreements to ensure that they are fair to the workers. End your eagerness to shed innocent blood.  Seek out the bad fruit that has now ripened.  Apply just laws to all suspects that are still alive, that were involved in the planning and operation of the terrorist attack on America.  Do not prosecute the innocent. 

Bad fruits that have not ripened treat them with care, love, and understanding, because you helped create them.  Change your hearts and take on a new resolve to end oppression and perverseness.  Thus, you will end the terrorism in America if you turn to me.  … If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

These are not my words, but this is the word of God.  Nevertheless, I understand His reasons for giving you each of these commands.  Let’s discuss the reason he gave the command “Recall your planes, ships, and My people.” 

God commanded me to warn President George W. Bush again of the destruction to come. Here is a quote from a letter that I wrote him dated October 26, 2001

“I wrote you twenty days ago as God directed me.  However, you have failed to adhere to the word of God.  God has commanded me to write you again.   Mr. President, you continue to add sin onto sin.  God knows every one of them.  Even the ones that you classify as Top Secret, and God has revealed some of those secrets to me.  Mr. President, if you do not change this destructive path, terror will continue to visit America.  Moreover, America will experience a plague of national disasters at a level that this nation has not experienced in its short 200 year history.  Many lives will be lost and fear will continue within the borders of the United States.  However, if you should hearken to the word of God, terror will not come near this nation, and America’s peace will be as a river, and nation’s righteousness will be as the waves of the sea.”

On December 2, 2002, I warned President Bush of the flood that would impact the nation.  Here is a quote from that communication: 

“I am writing you again to let you know that we will continue to experience calamity after calamity, until we adhere to the counsel of God.  God revealed to me the destructive winds that we just experienced here in America several weeks prior to the destruction.  On Sunday, November 10, God revealed to me floods that will impact this country.  On this morning December 2, 2002, God revealed to me again the floods that will impact this country.  They will happen shortly.  There will be many homes and facilities damaged in these floods.   In many places water will be at the house top level.  Besides the revelations regarding the floods, God revealed to me the failed missile attack on the airliner the day before it occurred.  Moreover, God gave me an opportunity to look at our military.  After examining the vision; I concluded that our military forces additional duties are having a negative impact on them accomplishing their primary duties.”

On December 20, 2002, I wrote President Bush again after the revelation had come to pass.  Here is a quote from that letter:

“Reference my letter December 2, 2002, in that letter I conveyed to you the floods that would impact America.  Today we are experiencing those floods.  Besides, reflecting on past revelations, on December 15, 2002, God gave me another revelation.  In a vision I saw what appeared to be one of our military aircraft, it appeared to be some type of gunship.  Nevertheless, the aircraft took what appeared to be provocative actions over a military site.  First it flew very low over some unmanned anti-aircraft weapons.  Then the military aircraft made another trip over the area as the men on the ground were manning their weapons.  After that the vision ended.”

President Trump, prior to our invasion of Iraq, God showed me that this war was without provocation; I shared this revelation with President Bush on September 3, 2002Here is a quote from that letter: 

“There is a big difference between the vision of September 10, 2001 and the most recent vision regarding our military preparation for war.  Last year in the vision the preparation for war was after provocation.  This year however, there is no provocation, however, there are conflicts from within.  Mr. President, I pray that you will take the following actions and assess the status of readiness of our military force and measure the impact of the various stress factors.”

God shared with me the consequences of our invasion of this war with Iraq without provocation.  All revelations have come to pass.  Here is a quote from the letter that I wrote President Bush on January 14, 2003, I wrote President Bush:   

“On January 3, 2003, God revealed to me in a vision that I was on a military base; it was as if I was performing a commander’s walk-through inspection of a barrack.  I observed the conditions of the barrack; the barrack was in need of many repairs including painting.  After the walk-through of the barrack, I stepped outside the barrack’s door and I was met with a mass of flies they were all over the place.  Then I woke up.  During the same night, God gave me another vision.  Again I was on a military base and I observed a structure on fire.  Then the fire moved to another structure.  Then I awoke from the vision.  I asked the Holy Spirit to give me the interpretation of these visions.  Here is the interpretation.  Our nation will suffer financially and consequently, our military will suffer in maintaining its quality of life and will experience much destruction by fire.”

President Trump after we invaded Iraq, God sent us tornadoes as destroying winds.  In the first seven days of May 2003, we had 395 tornadoes across the United States.  However, on average the United States only experiences 180 tornadoes during the month of May.  Now allow me to share with you what happened in 2010, after President Obama decided to end our combat role in Iraq.   Hurricane Earl changed its path.  Some weather reporters say we dodged a bullet, when Hurricane Earl turned and went north eastward.  After Hurricane Earl turned, then Hurricane Igor formed and headed directly toward the United States, however it turned.  Next it was Hurricane Julia, like Earl and Igor the storm made its approach, however it also turned away from the United States.  President Trump, it is imperative that you understand that God will send even more destroying winds if continue to use our military might as we have done in the past.  Hurricane Harvey was sent from God to destroy.

I have sent you several of copies of my book titled: “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S., I pray that you will take time out and read it.  God gives instructions to the leadership of this nation to end terrorism in the United States.    Every member in the House and the Senate needs a copy of this work.  In 2010, I had hand carried copies to about 70 Senators Offices.   Today, however it is not within my current budget to take this type of action.  Listen carefully you are right it will take much more than our military to realize victory in Afghanistan and to end terrorism.  It is imperative to receive the counsel of God in the name of Jesus and learn from our mistakes.

In my letter, dated July 28, 2017, I shared a revelation regarding an incident that will happen in a restaurant.  This incident has not happened as of this date, however it will happen soon.  President Trump, you are a problem solver.  You are in the position to help make America great again.  This is a very difficult job, nevertheless you can do it.  However, you cannot fight all of these battles yourself.  If you would hearken to God in the name of Jesus, God will fight these battles for you.  Here is an example on how God is fighting some of the battles for you. 

I know God directed me to discover the truth of what took place in Charlottesville.  I put together a very comprehensive article with links to videos and letters that clearly show that you were correct, surely there is blame on both sides and there were also some “good” people on both sides.  Nevertheless, as I was doing my research, I had the opportunity to watch the coverage of the Civil Rights Commission to vote on their statement in response to Charlottesville. 

Surely, the nation is in a state of crisis.  I watched a proceeding of the Civil Rights Commission, on August 18, 2017 as they discussed a proposed prepared statement from the Civil Rights Commission regarding Charlottesville.  An amendment to the proposed statement was offered by Commissioner Gail Heriot to add a sentence to the proposed statement.  She proposed to add this sentence at the end of paragraph two. “Though we support peaceful protest and note most of the counter-demonstrators were peaceful, we condemn violence by anyone, including violence, by the so-called Anti-fa demonstrators.”  Nevertheless, the motion failed to amend the prepared statement.  Here it was very clear, that the Civil Rights Commission failed to work in the best interest of the nation. 

It was very clear that Commissioner Michael Yaki who opposed the sentence to be amended had strong opposition against you, Mr. President.  In effect he even threatened the Civil Rights Commission by saying he would introduce his own amendment to question your leadership if the Commission would adopt the sentence.  Commissioner Michael Yaki questioned your ability to lead.  President Trump, Commissioner Yaki said that you lack the leadership and courage and moral authority to lead.  How did Commissioner Yaki reach these conclusions?  It is also noted that during the discussion, Commissioner Yaki presented his opinions as if these opinions were facts to include (1) who incited the violence (2) the objectives of the protestors (3) there were not any good people from the Right Wing present at the protest.  However, the facts do not support these opinions.  I strongly recommend that you watch the coverage that was aired on CSPAN of this proceeding of the Civil Rights Commission.  Based on what I observed, his actions and comments were inappropriate and without justification and was a clear disservice to the nation.

God loves America and God wants to bless this nation.  However, you must learn the way of the Lord and learn to fear God based on his precepts.   We have a powerful military; however it is a serious mistake to put our trust in our military might.  Remember, the military generals study war; however you as President must work to bring forth peaceful solutions whenever possible.  Mr. President, you were elected based on your platform, it was sound.  God will fight your battles with the media and other foes that are out to destroy your presidency, if you will allow him.   You are in our daily prayers.


Working to Help Make America Great Again,


Elmore Richmond Jr.

Prophet of God In The Name of Jesus

Co-Founder Church Readiness Ministries


One Attachment:  Article - “Charlottesville! The Truth – Does It Matter?” 

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