Letter to President George W. Bush, April 17 2004

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April 17, 2004


President George W. Bush

The White House

Washington, D. C. 20050


Dear Mr. President:

If you have not received any of the communications that I have sent you since 9/11, I pray that God will have mercy on the ones who thwarted the communications, but woe unto the ones who prevent this communication from reaching your hands.  I have warned you that the United States was not taking counsel from God and on January 14, 2003, I warned you that God would remove His covering from around the United States’ Battlement if you did not receive this counsel.  (God showed me the mass of flies and much destruction by fire.  Reference Letter dated January 14, 2003.)  God has removed his covering; moreover God has given me another revelation.  Listen carefully, at about 4:00 A. M. this morning God revealed germs’ warfare attacks or/and chemical warfare attacks.  Below is a summary of what was revealed to me.

The dream appeared to be broken down in four segments.  First, I saw five women, these women disobeyed a military official to halt.  They went into what appeared to be a military barrack for women.  The search continued, however these women escaped.

Next, I see people being warned about these women.  They were warned that these women had something that was deadly.  I thought that it was some type of virus.  The search continued for these women, however the scene changed from watching the search for these women to seeing cats going forth to attack dogs.

Finally, I see a man in civilian clothing at an out door event taking over the microphone issuing a warning to the people that they must evacuate the area because there was something that had become airborne that would cut off a persons oxygen supply within thirty minutes after they came in contact with it.  I observed people in military clothes and civilian clothes running from the affected area.  Then I woke up.

Mr. President, this was not just a bad dream, however these things were revelations from God.  There is only one way to prevent these things from occurring and that is to repent immediately from our effort to shed more innocent blood.  God knows our record and God knows our heart.

I have no other information regarding this matter.  I pray that you will adhere to this warning and repent and seek the counsel of God.  In the past, I have shared with you explicit actions that God wants you to take to no avail.  This record should be on file.


Sincerely yours,

Elmore Richmond Jr.

A Prophet of God, In the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ


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