Repent 2019 - Ought Thoughts are Blessing Deal Breakers!

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Mark 11:23-24 contains a very popular Faith scripture about mountain-moving Faith but most Saints don't read verses 25-26! ... "And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have OUGHT against any: that your Father also which is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive your trespasses" Mark 11:25-26.
Wow, when you really focus on what Jesus was saying in this verse, it gives you a deeper revelation about GRACE and MERCY because ALL OF US HAVE OUGHTS AGAINST PEOPLE but we are yet praying, preaching, teaching and telling others what they need to do! This scripture shows us The Lord has been merciful to us inspite of the SIN in our life!

What are OUGHTS and where do they come from? Oughts are "grudge-filled thoughts" that are birthed when people don't treat you right ... when you experience disappointments and don't forgive (i.e., when someone doesn't do something that they should do, are expected to or obligated to do). When this happens, most people, (90% of us) hold on to the memory of the disappointing event and in comes the Sin factor ... Parents, friends, sisters, brothers, pastors, co-workers, Saints, business partners, etc., can all "drop the ball" and let you down but here's the Breaking News: you MUST FORGIVE them so you can be forgiven!

Some Saints don't attend family reunions or other holiday celebrations because they're mad at someone in their family and they should know better! Husbands and wives, parents and children, live under the same roof but don't love or respect one another because of unresolved family issues. I had an ought against my Mom for years but I am happy to report, The Holy Ghost helped me deal with my wounds/issues (Romans 8:26), healed my brokenheart and gave me the Grace to be her caregiver when she became ill ... Glory!

We routinely ask God to forgive us for "unknown sins" during our daily prayer devotion and even though "oughts" can fall under the category of unknown sins, He said it's time to "call it like it is" because these sins are spoiling the fruit in our lives and preventing the Holy Spirit from working the way He wants to work in us and in the Church. After all, the Gifts of the Spirit do work by LOVE!
So how do we "catch our breath" spiritually and make sure we're not walking around with unforgiven sin in our life? You and I must forgive anyone who didn't do what they "ought to have done" to us and for us! We live in a real world and people aren't going to do what they ought to do all the time but if we allow The Lord to strengthen us emotionally, we'll be able to take it and recover when they don't.

OUGHT THOUGHTS count against us because this behavior contradicts the Gospel Message! When we hold things against people (grudges) and don't forgive them, it displeases God because He forgives us when we do Him wrong or disappoint Him. Be QUICK to FORGIVE because Oughts will BLOCK your blessings, DETER your anointing and prevent The Lord from telling you WELL DONE Servant!

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