Praying for Revelation Knowledge/Truth to Go Forth to Address the Divide; & to Empower/Equip Saints
February 7, 2024
Praying For Revelation Knowledge And Truth to Go Forth to Address the Divide, And to Empower And Equip the Saints is for all who have a love for Truth and want to serve GOD in Spirit and in Truth. Viewers are encouraged to watch this video to the end. Viewers are allowed to receive blessings immediately as they pray and watch this video. As they watch the video revelation knowledge is provided that goes beyond what is taught at our best Bible Colleges, Seminars, and Universities in the world. Viewers are given revelation knowledge to help address the divide and discover some of Satan's stratagems to deceive the Saints of GOD. Today, the Saints of GOD are being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, 45,000 denominations worldwide and the Saints cannot fellowship together; viewers are allowed to discover how this problem can be addressed. This video is designed for all including those who have earned their Ph.D. in New Testament Study; scholars will discover revelation knowledge that should be added to their school's curriculums to help empower the Saints. Viewers are allowed to see the Affirmation of John 1:1-4, regarding the Word of GOD to unfold before their eyes through scriptures. This revelation clearly explains what is the flesh of JESUS, the Bread that came down from heaven. Viewers will also discover instructions that GOD has given us to determine if doctrines are of GOD or men; viewers will realize that these instructions have been overlooked or dismissed over the years. However, once viewers discover this revelation, they will realize why these instructions must be adhered to. Viewers who have a love for truth will also be praying in the name of JESUS that this Revelation Knowledge and corrections would go forth to help empower and equip the Saints of GOD. Viewers are allowed to see things from GOD's vantage point and discover how to serve GOD more perfectly. GOD's called and chosen will realize that these revelations and corrections are what is needed to help effect GOD's will for the Saints of GOD to empower and equip the Saints of GOD to help make the Bride of Christ ready.
Viewers are encouraged to read this article which is designed to help effect
GOD's will for His People.