Has God Warned the United States - Prophecy Fulifilled

September 21, 2015
Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. shows how God warned the United States by taking a look back to 2001 when he shared revelations to the leadership of the nation by video. The Prophet was 51 years old at that time - today he is 65 years old. This video clearly shows that God did in fact warned the nation - the Prophet explained why terrorists attacked America and what would happen if the leadership would not hearken to the word of God. All revelations have come to fruition. This video also explains why there is no prophet accepted in his own country, however it clearly shows that God does in fact have prophets today. This video is a must see for Christians who truly want to understand the way of the Lord in the Name of JESUS and want to help effect healing of the nation. Besides warning the nation God shared revelations for the Church. https://www.revelationuptotheminute.org/en/