Removing Satan's Door Mats to the Houses of GOD: Addressing the Divide in this Spiritual Warfare

November 18, 2023
This video shows how Satan has entered into many of the GOD's Churches and created the divide. The video identifies the sleights of men and cunning craftiness that have been applied to deceive the leadership of the Church. The Saints are given a fresh look at how Satan has undermined the integrity of the written Word of GOD through various versions of the Bible. Moreover, the video shares how GOD has given us a way to determine if doctrine is of men or GOD; however the Saints will discover how the leadership has dismissed or overlooked the standards that JESUS has given the Church. Besides revealing the wicked, the spirit of the mouth of GOD, (the Word of GOD – the Truth) consumes the wicked. The Saints are given a real opportunity to understand the Mystery of GOD’s will and how to work together and make the Bride of Christ ready. The viewers are given an opportunity to discover why there is a falling away and what GOD wants the Saints to do today to magnify the name of JESUS and work to turn the battle to the gate. The Saints are given an opportunity to see how many of the Saints of GOD have been deceived and are worshipping GOD in vain. The video addresses the roles of women in the Church and shows how many Christian leaders have been deceived. This video shares revelation knowledge regarding the mystery of GOD - this revelation is not currently being taught at our best Bible Colleges and Universities; however, it is sound teaching based on the word of GOD. GOD wants the Saints to understand the mystery of His will in the name of JESUS. Viewers are encouraged to watch the video to the end to receive these revelations. In addition to watching this video, viewers are encouraged to visit the Church Readiness Ministries Website and read this article.

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