They That Seek The LORD Understand All Things - Having COVID 19 did not stop GOD's Messengers

August 25, 2022
Viewers are given an opportunity to receive Truth from GOD's messengers even after they are stricken with COVID. JESUS said that there is no Prophet accepted in his own country - Surely this is truth. Nevertheless, true prophets and prophetesses of GOD must speak truth even if the people do not want to hear truth. Viewers are given the opportunity to watch how COVID 19 did not stop this man and woman of GOD from carrying out the assignment that had been given to them to warn the Body of Christ of its current state and the leadership of the United States. Both Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. and Pastor Nadine Richmond share in this video. Viewers are given an opportunity to discover the revelation: why they all slept - the wise and foolish virgins. Moreover, it is explained how GOD poured out the spirit of deep sleep on the saints and how all were covered. Now the call has been made to wake-up the Bridegroom is coming! Revelations are shared of what Satan has done while the Saints of GOD has been asleep and what the Saints of GOD must do now to make the Bride of Christ ready. Viewers are given an opportunity to discover how GOD has given us power in the name of JESUS to understand all things. This video exposes how Satan has worked to undermine the integrity of the written Word of GOD. Moreover, viewers are given the opportunity to discover how to determine whether doctrine is of GOD of the doctrine is of men - based on the instructions that were given Christians from JESUS!. Viewers are given an opportunity to see how GOD has used Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. over the years to warn the leadership of the nation and to work to help make the Bride of Christ Ready. GOD revealed to Prophet Richmond 9/11 before it happened. He wrote President George W. Bush 13 times, and all revelations came to pass. He wrote President Barack Obama more than 30 times and President Trump more than 20 times, and all revelations came to fruition, as of this date the Prophet has written President Biden 5 times and the revelations keep coming. Viewers are given an opportunity to make this powerful connection to determine truth and receive revelation knowledge that are not being taught a Bible Colleges and Universities. Prophet Elmore Richmond is the Executive Director of the Church Readiness Ministries. The website is Viewers who visit this website are given an opportunity to read these communications that were written to the Presidents of the United States. GOD in the name of JESUS wants His people who have the love for truth to take time out and listen and receive these powerful revelations and go forth with power and the authority that has been given to all that truly love the Father in the name of JESUS.

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