Letter to President Barack Obama - December 12, 2016

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Power Pack Center For Social and Economic Justice

Elmore Richmond Jr.

Post Office Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 38302



December 12, 2016

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Dear President Obama:

Reference my letter; dated November 30, 2016 I shared with you a revelation regarding Turkey that God had revealed to me.  I explained that on November 21, 2016, God took me in the spirit to the Country of Turkey.  I explained that I did not understand exactly what was going on, however I remember the Country was in a state of turmoil.  When this happens you will know that God has revealed this to me.  It will happen very soon, within a few weeks.  I was near or on Incirlik Air Base.  I further explained that it would happen within a few weeks.  As I prophesized terrorism came to Istanbul.  Turkey declared a day of mourning after two suicide bombers killed at least 38 civilians and injured at least 150 on Saturday, December 10, 2016.

Why did God show me this before it happened?  Mr. President, God has been showing me revelation after revelation and I have been sharing them with you at his direction.  Again, God showed me this revelation to let you know that he has sent me. In the letter, dated November 30, 2016, I shared with you that I was convinced that on October 1, 2016 there were two teens killed in Los Angeles, California at 107th Street and Western Avenue by the LAPD.  The LAPD has covered up the killing of one of the teens.  The LAPD claimed that there was only one teen killed, his name was Carnell Snell and he had a gun.  However, they are covering up the fact that they shot two teens and they have altered the video to support their version.  I strongly recommend that you direct the Justice Department to investigate this cover up of the killing of an innocent man. 

Mr. President, this is still your watch.  At your direction, the FBI can review the raw footage of the video from the business regarding this incident and you will clearly see that the video has been edited.  This is not the only incident that alteration of videos has occurred.  However, this one God wants to bring to your attention because God wants you to take action now before you leave office.  There is corruption within law enforcement throughout the country and there is a lack of trust.  Consequently, the conditions have become grave for both the police and the people.  As President, you have the responsibility to expose the severity of this problem and take corrective action now.

It is unfair to the People for you to fail to expose the true nature of this problem before you leave office.  In fact it is a dereliction of duty as President of the United States of America.   Moreover, it is unfair to the next administrative to inherit this dire and deathly state of corruption and a complete breakdown of law and order without a complete analysis and proposed corrective action.  I pray in the name of Jesus, that you will take action now.

Mr. President, I am a Prophet of God in the name of JESUS.  I have written you over thirty times.  You are still in my prayers.  Take action now and address the Police and Community Relations today.  There are many throughout America who do not the trust the Police – Their disposition is justified.  Moreover, the work environment for the Police has become even more dangerous because of the lack of trust factors and there are many who are tired of the Police killing their loved ones throughout the nation and are not being held accountable.  I have made recommendations in the past on how to address this problem.  I pray that you will take note and take actions now.

Sincerely yours,


Elmore Richmond Jr.


Power Pack Center For Social And Economic Justice


Letter, Dated November 30, 2016


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