Can Women Teach in the Church - Following Jesus' Instructions To Address the Contention In Church

April 16, 2019
There are some who are expressing their personal opinions regarding the women roles in the Church. Can women teach? Can women be pastors? Some will explains that the answers to these question is simple; they will immediately refer you to 1 Timothy 2:12. However, the answers are not that simple. There has been contention in the Church for a long time regarding women roles in the church. However, Jesus gave us instructions on how to address the contention that is being experienced in the Church today. However, it apparent that the leadership of the Church has failed to adhere to the instructions of God. This video provides GOD's clear instructions as Jesus spoke in John 7:16-18 and as the Holy Spirit gave Apostle Paul to share in A. D. 49 when Apostle Paul wrote the book of Galatians 1:1-10. The viewers who seek not to please men, will experience a spiritual move of the Holy Spirit and some will repent immediately after they receive this TRUTH. God provides light through this work that will affect the teaching regarding women's roles in the Church, who can serve in Church leadership and what the Saints must do now to address certain writings that are called holy scriptures of the Bible. Moreover, revelation disclosed in this video will impact what is currently being taught at Bible Colleges throughout the world - and it will help to bring many Churches operations back within the alignment of God and will help the Saints understand why and how we can work together as one to effect God's will for the Body of Christ in the name of JESUS. Visit our website:

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