The Church Needs to Declare a Year of Repentance - 2024 is Coming - Church Let's Declare it.

January 2, 2019
Today there is much contention in the Church this video exposes how Satan was able to effectively infiltrate the work of the Apostles over 1,950 years ago and gives clear directions from God to bring order back to the Church. However, to receive the revelation viewers must have love for Truth. Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. and Prophetess Nadine Richmond share these revelations at Prophetic Chatter 2018 - 2019 which was hosted by Where Eagles Fly Ministry. Several important topics were discussed to include the state of the nation. It was conveyed that GOD is calling for a Year of Repentance for the Church. Plans were laid in 2019, however, the overall plan for the Church to Repent has not been realized. 2024 is Coming - This Video shows why Repentance is needed now for the Church!

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