TN Sheriff Deputies Beats Man for Six minutes for walk on the wrong side of the road

December 1, 2020
This video is about an incident that happened just two days prior to the killing of George Floyd. Reginald Arrington Jr., was struck repeatedly by Hamilton County Sheriff's Office deputies in Tennessee on May 23, 2020. Mr. Arrington was not killed; however he was beaten for over six minutes - the alleged crime was walking on the wrong side of the road. He sustained several injuries as a result. Moreover, he was incarcerated for four weeks at the Silverdale Detention – allegedly while he was incarcerated at the facility he contracted COVID-19 and now suffers from lung and kidney damages. Surely there are many who have seen this video of the six minutes beating of this man - the edited short version of the video. This video also covers the beating of Mr. Arrington: however, the beating is not the highlight; but way Mr. Arrington was treated by these Sheriff Deputies is the highlight of this video. Viewers must watch the entire video to receive the impact of this injustice. Here is the point; no person in the United States of America should be treated the way these Sheriff Deputies treated this man. Nevertheless, the way they treated Mr. Arrington is an established standard of treatment for Blacks in America by some members of America’s Law Enforcement Communities. This standard exists because the police in general understand that they will not be held accountable for this type of misconduct. Here is the problem: the people in authority are not going to watch these videos and discover the misconduct and the Blue Wall of Silence works to keep it concealed. Consequently, there is no accountability for this type of police misconduct; but this is the very behavior that creates and helps facilitate the mistrust for the police throughout the country.

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