The Respect for Marriage Act's Foundation: President Obama bowed to Satan - the Race Card was played

August 14, 2019
This video shows how President Obama evolved and embraced the LGBTQ agenda and how the race card was played to gain the vote of Blacks to secure his re-election. This video shows the viewers how they were deceived and how many bowed to Satan's plan instead of standing fast on the Word of GOD. The video shows President Obama's craftiness to affect his will. Consequently, the ruling in the same-sex marriage case had nothing to do with the constitution - it was an act of will instead of the rule of law according to Chief Justice Roberts. Although this video was done three years ago, and The Respect for Marriage Act has been signed into law it is for the viewers today help bring forth repentance of this wickedness. It is important to watch this video to the very end. This statement was written three years ago: "Today, there are many Democrats who profess to be Christians who are being led by an unclean spirit and they do not understand what has been set in motion." This video is for the ones who truly want to bless America and worship GOD in Spirit and in Truth. The President of the United States; every member in the House and Senate, and each Justice of the Supreme Court need to watch this video and learn from the counsel of GOD that went forth to President Obama and others. This is a spiritual warfare. The revelations offered in this video are needed to help bring forth repentance, correction and healing for the nation. Now law has been passed that legalizes things that are an abomination unto GOD in the name of JESUS. The Respect for Marriage Act is a deception, and it is wicked.

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