Part Two: A Check Up For the Body of Christ - More than a Sermon - An Assignment - A Call to Action!

April 11, 2023
Viewers are given a rare opportunity to see prophecy in action! This is Part Two of this presentation. Part One covers the actual sermon that was given to Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. in 2000. The title of the sermon was "A Checkup for the Body of Christ!" At the time the sermon was given to him he did not realize that it was an assignment for him. When he was first called he did not realize that GOD had chosen him to be one of His Prophets to the nation, providing counsel to the leadership and actually conducting a checkup for the Body of Christ, It is not imperative that viewers watch Part one, however, it will help them to see however GOD moved on him over twenty years ago to carry out this work. In the first five minutes of this video, viewers will hear about 3 minutes of Prophet Richmond's first sermon and about two minutes of his ordination. From that point on viewers will see prophecy in action, revealing revelation not taught in our best Bible Colleges and Universities worldwide. Surely, viewers will witness the check-up being conducted; however in addition to the checkup they receive revelation knowledge on what we need to do today to address the divide within the Church Moreover, viewers will discover the status of the nation from the advantage point of GOD and what we need to do now to help bring about healing for the nation! This video is a blessing for all you have the love for truth. Viewers are encouraged to read the following articles on the Church Ready Ministries website: Regaining the Focus of GOD's Strategic Battle Plan Addressing the Problem of Too Many Bibles that Do not Say the same thing - The Report - A Call To Action

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