Women Roles in the Church: Addressing the Contention

January 30, 2019
This video addresses the contention regarding women roles in the Church. There was a time even in the early Churches that this contention was addressed and the Saints were admonished. However, later Satan was able to use one of the Apostles of God to yield to his will. This video exposes this deception and provides instructions that Jesus has given us to determine whether the doctrines are of man or whether the of doctrines are of God. Through this work revelation knowledge is provided that will resolve this contention and work to end the restrictions that men have imposed that restrict women roles in the Church. This work will cause the Saints who have love for truth to repent and then embrace women whom God has called. Moreover, it brings much needed understanding to help women go forth and serve the Lord in the name of JESUS in a more perfect way. Pastors who have love for truth will discover what they must do now to help effect God's will for His people through this work. This work provides revelation knowledge that will also cause many Bible Colleges and Universities to change their teaching and curriculum regarding women roles in the church. https://www.revelationuptotheminute.org/en/

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