All Tables are Unclean Part 1: Theogonies & Theologies & Failure to Receive & Understand Revelation

July 2, 2023
This video is for Christians who would like to serve GOD in the name of JESUS in a more perfect way. Dr. Bart Ehrman shares the impact of various theologies that have impacted the Church over the years and the current fallacy of the current theology that many Christians have embraced. Revelation is provided that address JESUS Christ as the son of GOD to a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. This information is provided to help address the divide within the Church. Revelation knowledge is provided that goes beyond what is currently taught in the world's best Bibles Colleges and Universities regarding the flesh of JESUS. This work is designed to empower Christians to help tear down walls that divide the Church. Insight is shared that will help every Christian to become everything that GOD has called them to be in the name of JESUS!

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