Woe to The Southern Baptist Convention - GOD says, Voting is not His Way to Address Women Pastors

June 10, 2024
The Southern Baptist Convention is scheduled to vote on whether or not to exclude women pastors from their Organization's Constitution on June 11 - 12, 2024. This video serves as a warning to the leadership of The SBC that voting on this concern is not the way of the LORD. GOD has already resolved this issue, however, The SBC has failed to consider all scriptures to address this concern. Viewers will discover how scholars have overlooked the Way of the LORD on how to determine whether doctrine is of GOD or men. And what Satan has done to undermine the integrity of the written word of GOD. When members of The SBC watch this video, they will understand that they must search the scriptures more to bring things within the alignment of the word of GOD. This video is not only for the members of The SBC; it is for all Christians who would like to discover the truth regarding women's roles in the Church. This video is time-sensitive because The SBC is scheduled to vote between 11 - 12 June 2024. Viewers are encouraged to watch the video to the end and then share it with members of The SBC. Click on the following link to read an important article that addresses this concern. https://www.revelationuptotheminute.org/for-christians-leaders/728-god-warns-the-southern-baptist-convention-to-stop-and-listen

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