These Eclipses have passed some got it Right; GOD does not want us to speculate! What is God saying?

April 11, 2024
Viewers are allowed to go beyond speculations regarding the two solar eclipses that cross over the United States. Viewers are provided revelation knowledge based on scriptures; And will discover how GOD has been warning the leadership of America since 9/11 regarding the state of the nation and the need for repentance. You may have never heard of Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr., however the United States Government knows who he is! He is a Prophet to the nation; GOD is using him to warn America. At the direction of GOD, he wrote President G. W. Bush 13 times, President Obama over 30 times, President Trump over 20 times, and President Biden 5 times. And all revelations have come to pass. Viewers are encouraged to watch this video to the end, they will discover what GOD wants His people to know about His ways and why America has been marked with an X across it in the heavens. Viewers are encouraged to visit the Church Readiness Ministries website after they watch this video; On this website, they are allowed to read the communications sent to these Presidents, and other leaders. Moreover, viewers are also allowed to view replies to the communications from the leadership. Moreover, on the website, there are several hundred articles and videos that provide revelation knowledge to help empower the People of GOD to make the Bride of Christ ready for the coming of the LORD. Click on this link to visit the website

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