The Words of one of God's Elects - Evangelist Robert (Christian Hermit)

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Prophecy:  In 2013 God will begin to dismantle and burn the walls unlearned teachers have erected on the foundation of Christ to separate His Children.


The Spirit told me to share the following on August 1, 2012:

I have prayerfully studied the Word of God day and night for 35 years now, what have I learned?

1. In the beginning man and woman were 1. Throughout time fallen man has been divided, but the spiritual have been 1. After time all will be 1.

Any man or any teaching that teaches the separation of the saints is not of God. PERIOD!

We must be 1. I am not greater than you and you are not greater than I. If pride has entered your heart repent speedily for you fight God.

In 2013 God will begin to dismantle and burn the walls unlearned teachers have erected on the foundation of Christ to separate His Children.

God does this, not man, He will open the eyes that have been blinded by men. God will rise with His sword to cut asunder all that defiles.

It was as though God blinked His eye but for a moment and men ran to and fro to build their earthly kingdoms, but now He says to all repent.

In all thy meditations meditate upon this, will God be mocked and not judge those who raise their fist against His purpose?

Is it a small thing in the eyes of a man to separate the sheep of His pasture? It is a sword of sorrow that pierces the heart of God

The Spirit says, men proclaim that there are no tears in Heaven, but rivers flow daily from the Throne of God. The saints of old behold your work and wonder:

Will men return to the God of old, or will they choose to follow their present course that leadeth to destruction?

God winked for a moment, that moment has now concluded. Resist the call to pleasure and live. Bind truth about your neck and live.

Submit to the voice of the Spirit, the Spirit will liberate you from the bonds and shackles (you) have placed upon yourself.

The enemy has not done this thing, my people have chosen to submit to lust, it brought you pleasure and joy for a short season.

I proclaim that this season has come to its' end. Turn lose or the sweeping wind will take you away with the evil.


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