Warning of Flooding Coming to Jackson, TN

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Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

May 25, 2016

About two weeks ago I had a dream about flooding.  This dream was very specific there was enough information in the dream to let me know that Jackson, Tennessee was in the flooding zone.  As the water began to rise, it appeared that I was in my old family home which was in East Jackson.  I recalled saying to my brother Major, that we could take boards and divert the water.  However, the water had begun to cover the floor.  As we prayed we gathered boards to take outside in an attempt to try to divert the water.  Although we had gathered boards, we knew that the boards were not going to be sufficient to divert the water.  However, praise God, when we got outside, we noticed that the water was receding at a rate that was much faster than it had risen.  Praise God for the blessing.

When God reveals something like this to me it normally happens within about four weeks.   Two weeks have already passed – I do not believe this revelation will tarry.   Share and pray for Jackson that we will not be overtaken by the floods.  God is good.  Sharing in love; there is no prophet accepted in his own country.  It is amazing what God has revealed to me over the years and the revelations keep coming.  America is in trouble; we also must pray for the leadership of the nation because the leadership has clearly demonstrated that they do not fear God; the leadership has caused the People to err. 

God revealed to me 9/11 before it happened.  I wrote President George W. Bush, thirteen times and all revelations have come to pass.  I have written President Barack Obama more than twenty times and the revelations keep coming.  Surely, God has prophets today.  Today, as I have done in the past, I am writing the people of Jackson, Tennessee and I pray that you will take note and pray for the City of Jackson and the nation.

Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

A Prophet of God in the name of JESUS

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