End Time Prophecy Conference - Come Out of Her

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Click on Important Links Below


Click here to discover who is Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.


Prophet Richmond is available to Prophecy Conferences throughout the United States - Click here for information to schedule a conference


Click here to visit the website:  Revelation Up to the Minute


Click on links for letters sent to Presidents: Letters to President G. W. Bush   Letters to President Obama    Letters to President Trump  

Letters to President Biden


Click on link for Prophecies Fulfilled for the United States and Others


Click on links below to watch several videos of Prophet Richmond when he was younger

Video title: "Is America in a War that it cannot Win?"

There are also two videos on the link of Prophet Richmond being interviewed after a Prophecy Conference in 2003 regarding the war with Iraq

Link to Part One of the Interview

Link to Part Two of the Interview


Addressing Racism in the United States

 Click on this link and watch an interview on racism with Prophet Richmond in 1999 - this is for today!








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