Coronavirus - 19 GOD's Official Report to the Church

May 28, 2020
GOD gave the revelation of Coronavirus 19 to Oral Roberts in 2004 so we would know that GOD sent him with the report to the Churches in the United States and Churches around the world. This video clearly shows this reality. Oral Roberts explains the revelations that GOD gave him and he then shares the report on the Churches; like GOD gave Apostle John to report on the seven Churches in Asia. This report clearly explains how GOD sees His church today - it will startle many Christians. However, every Christian needs to hear this report from GOD in the name of JESUS. Bishop William Latta with fire in his belly shares a powerful message regarding the power that GOD has given us in the name of JESUS; this word is needed to help the Church address this crisis with COVID 19. Prophet Elmore Richmond explains how GOD poured out the spirit of deep sleep and how all have been covered as outlined in Isaiah 29. This revelation explains why the ten virgins were asleep in Matthew 25. The video shows that a wake-up call has been declared because the Bridegroom is coming. Prophet Richmond shares the revelation regarding the Refreshing that must be declared now as outlined in Isaiah 28. This video provides much-needed revelation knowledge to address COVID 19 and it addresses the state of the Church today. This video is for all who truly love GOD in the name of JESUS and the ones who would like to be used by GOD to address the crisis of Coronavirus 19. Moreover, it is for the five (5) wise virgins who will trim their lamps according to scripture. The wise virgins will discover an instruction that JESUS gave His Church ; however the Church today has failed to follow it. However, the wise virgins will receive it and trim their lamps. This video is for all who truly love GOD and would like to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

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