Coronavirus 19 The Revelation that GOD Gave to Oral Roberts in 2004

April 11, 2020
Coronavirus 19 – The Revelation that GOD gave to Oral Roberts in 2004 This video clearly shows that GOD gave the revelation of the Coronavirus 19 to Oral Roberts in 2004 and it serves as a wakeup call for the Church and people of the world. Moreover, it provides answers that explain what we must do today to address Coronavirus 19 and how to effect healing of the nations. Oral Roberts shared the vision, Kenneth Copeland gives the interpretation, and Richard Roberts facilitates the discussion in 2004. The primary footage of this video is taking from the video: “The Wake-Up Call: Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, and Billye Brim.” Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. brings it to life the revelation for today at the directions of GOD. This video is for all, regardless of how long you have been in the ministry of the gospel of Christ. As you watch this video, you will also realize as Oral Roberts came to realize. At the age of 86 years old; he thought that he was close to GOD, however, after he received this revelation from GOD he realized that he could have done more. He explained that he felt like asking GOD to give him another chance. This video is not only for people in the United States however this video is for people throughout the GOD! It is important to watch the video to the very end to discover how we can bring an end to this Coronavirus 19 pandemic and to bring healing to the land in the name of JESUS.

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