GOD's Report to The Church Today: A Check-up for the Body of Christ, the Church

GOD's Report to The Church Today: A Check-up for the Body of Christ, the Church

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This is a very difficult job as a true prophet of GOD in the name of JESUS. When GOD called me in 2000, GOD also gave me my first sermon. The title of the sermon was “A Checkup for the Body of Christ, The Church.” Of course, this was more than a sermon, it was an assignment that GOD gave me.  I have been conducting this Check-up over the past 23 years. The Check-up has been completed. Now I am sharing the report with the Church at the direction of GOD in the name of JESUS.


In summary, Satan has deceived many and the integrity of the written word of GOD has been undermined. Many are using the Church to gain financial wealth. There are far too many versions of the Bible, and these works do not say the same thing. There are false teachers in Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities around the world who have taught thousands over the years. Many of these teachers do not understand who JESUS is, consequently, the saints are being tossed to and fro by 45,000 denominations throughout the world. And most of these denominations cannot work together because of the doctrines of men. The Saints are not on track to come together as one. And many of the Church leaders are too busy working on their own personal and organizational agendas.

There is a lack of leadership in this spiritual warfare who understand the nature of the warfare, and who are truly focused on making the Bride of Christ ready. Satan has made his way into the various systems of communication that the Saints use to spread the Gospel of Christ. The Apostles and Prophets have lost the focus of working to come to the unity of the faith. Therefore, today the Church needs Spiritual Generals to effect GOD’s battle plan in the name of JESUS. Although many have been busy working on their personal and organizational goals, in general, many of the saints do not understand the personal relationship that GOD wants with each of them and the power and authority that have been given to them.

The Report

The thoughts of men have become embedded within the fabric of the false teaching. Consequently, today there is a mountain of deception; this deception is rooted and grounded in cunning craftiness and the sleights of men. Satan has been so busy; that some of the Bibles that the Saints are studying from Satan have undermined the text. Therefore, this has been a very difficult task for the dedicated Saints of GOD to help effect GOD’s will. In some instances, the text has been slightly changed; however, the slight alteration changed the intent of the scripture.

The NIV and other versions of the Bible have undermined the Integrity of the Written Word of GOD

Before I share deep revelations regarding how at times the NIV undermines the integrity of the written word of GOD, allow me to share an example that can be easily acknowledged without debate.

Acts 20:22

KJV says: ...I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem…

NIV says: “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, …”

Here we can see there is a conflict. KJV says that Paul was bound in his personal spirit and the NIV says the Spirit of GOD compelled Paul to go.

Acts 21:4 these disciples through the Spirit told Paul that he should not go up to Jerusalem.

Acts 21:10-11 – Prophet Agabus demonstrated how Paul would be bound and given over to the Gentiles if he went to Jerusalem.

Acts 22:18 – Apostle Paul testified that while he was in a trance JESUS told him to make haste, and get quickly out of Jerusalem…

The bottom line: Apostle Paul was not compelled by the Spirit of GOD to go to Jerusalem, however, he hasted, and he was determined to go. This shows that Apostle Paul at this point was walking in his flesh. Moreover, this is a clear example of how the NIV undermined the integrity of the written word of GOD.

Now let’s go deep! Understanding Satan’s Stratagems

On the other hand, in some instances, the text was completely changed. For example, Ephesians 4:13-14. When you compare the KJV with the NIV. The rewrite in the NIV sounds great. The NIV is much clearer than the KJV, however, there is a major problem that most do not understand. The intent of the text has been changed. The intent of this text is about knowing who the son of GOD is to a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. The saints are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine because they do not know who JESUS is. The NIV changed the text to focus on the maturity of the Saints, that sounds great, and we all would like to achieve this. However, this is a spiritual warfare; Satan knows that if the Saints know who JESUS is; they will do what JESUS commanded them to do. Consequently, this change took away this important premise: to know who JESUS is as the son of GOD to perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. (2 Peter 1:1-11) Satan knows without this revelation; the saints of GOD cannot reach this level of maturity. As you study various versions of the Bible you can see how the text has been changed throughout the scriptures to keep the Saints of GOD from understanding who JESUS is.  Again, this is spiritual warfare; we must understand the stratagems of Satan.

GOD gave me the task to search this out and provide this revelation regarding the “Flesh of JESUS”. As I studied, I compared Bibles and I saw how some Bibles have changed foundational scriptures and changed the intent of others because Satan does not want the Saints of GOD to understand this revelation. I discovered the NIV was one of the main sources that was used by Satan to undermine the written Word of GOD and there are other Bibles that are derivatives of the NIV that undermine the integrity of the written Word of GOD.

One of the common doctrines is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. This doctrine originated as the result of thoughts of man to explain the nature of GOD with respect to the Gospel of Christ. The doctrine describes GOD in three persons: GOD the Father, GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. The sleights of men have been used over the years to support this doctrine. GOD has revealed to me that this happened because men failed to study the Word of GOD and allow the scriptures to provide the revelation.

I pray in the name of JESUS that you will continue to read because Satan does not want the scholars to receive this revelation regarding the revelation of JESUS Christ. Satan knows that Bible Scholars can gain more revelation knowledge regarding the revelation of JESUS within several minutes by reading this article than what they have received by attending eight years of formal training in the best Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities – earning their PhDs and DDs.

At the direction of GOD, I studied the scriptures. I discovered the Mystery of GOD’s will and the revelation regarding the “Flesh” of JESUS,” the “Bread” that came down from heaven. Many say JESUS is the “Word” of GOD, and surely this is correct, however, they do not understand the revelation. At the direction of GOD, I have prepared several videos and articles regarding the “Flesh of JESUS.” Here is a quick summation. 

John 1:1-3 is an affirmation. Revelation 5:6 says on the Lamb there were 7 horns and 7 eyes which are the 7 Spirits of GOD; Revelation 1:4: there were 7 Spirits before the Throne, and Revelation 4:5 there was 7 lamps of fire burning which are the 7 Spirits of GOD. Now what does this mean? Zechariah 4:1-7, Zechariah sees these 7 Lamps; Zechariah wanted to know what this means. It was explained to him that this was the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. This is key to understanding “The Flesh of JESUS.” Again, on the Lamb, there were 7 horns and 7 eyes which are the 7 Spirits of GOD. Now we understand that the 7 Spirits of GOD is the Word of GOD. Revelation 19:13 says that his name is called The Word of GOD. Jesus said the Spirit of the LORD is upon me! Who is Me? Me is the Word of GOD. KJV 1 John 5:7 says that there are three that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and the Spirit and these three are one. KJV Isaiah 48:16 says GOD and his Spirit has sent me. KJV Isaiah 11:2 says the Spirit of the LORD will rest upon him. Who is him, the Word of GOD, the Bread that came down from heaven: the (1) Spirit of Wisdom (2) The Spirit of Understanding (3) The Spirit of Counsel (4) The Spirit of Might (5) The Spirit of Knowledge and (6) The Spirit of the Fear of the LORD.

The revelation: These six Spirits are the Bread that came down from heaven – You cannot eat the (7) The Spirit of the LORD that rested upon him. The Flesh of JESUS is Spirit, when you study the Word of GOD you eat these six Spirits. The “Flesh of JESUS” was never earthly flesh; however, JESUS’ “Spiritual Flesh” was in an earthly body. (John 6:48-62) The revelation: The Blood that was shed on the cross was GOD’s blood because there are three that agree in one according to KJV 1 John 5:8: The spirit, the blood, and water. Note: The writers of the NIV undermined the integrity of the written word of GOD, consequently this truth has been removed to keep the Saints from receiving the revelation regarding our LORD and Savior JESUS Christ.

GOD wants the Saints of GOD to understand that it was these 7 Spirits that were with GOD in the beginning; not the son of GOD to a perfect man, the son was begotten.  GOD gave life to His Word; the Word of God is the covenant, and all power and Heaven and earth were given to GOD’s Word. JESUS was also the son of man; this was the fleshy body. Zechariah 3:8-10 gives the revelation regarding GOD’s servant the Branch, the stone that was laid before Joshua from the root of David; and on this stone there were seven eyes which are the eyes of the LORD that runs to and fro throughout the earth. (Zechariah 4:10) JESUS was tasked to declare the name of the Father. (John 17:6) The Father glorified the name JESUS for himself, the SON, and the Holy Spirit. (John 12:23, John 12:28, and John 13:31) GOD made a glorious name for himself, and the son of man was tasked to declare it in the midst of his people. (Ezekiel 36:23, Ezekiel 39:7) It is about the name “JESUS”! GOD is the Savior and GOD is always the Father! The WORD of GOD is Spirit. The Bread that came down from heaven, are those Six Spirits as outlined in this text (John 6:48-63) that went back to the Father.  It must be noted there is more revelation knowledge regarding who JESUS is in this short summation than being taught at our best Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities around the world.

Unfortunately, the Bible Scholars do not understand this revelation because they have been busy studying the sleights of men to support the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. It is apparent that studying the scriptures to understand the revelation of the son of GOD to a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ was not part of their curriculum.

Nevertheless, at the direction of the Holy Spirit, we have posted articles and videos that share the revelation and explain the nature of the problem. We strongly recommend that every Bible Scholar, Apostle, Prophet/Prophetess, Evangelist, Pastor, and teacher read the article titled: “Regaining the Focus of GOD’s Strategic Battle Plan.” This work is designed to help bring forth correction. Although thousands of people read articles from the website; this is not enough to reach the millions who need to receive the revelation.

We have discovered that Satan has been able to mount up a mountain of deception. This mountain is a mountain of scholars who have been deceived and have earned their PhDs or DDs and have taught millions throughout the world. There are hundreds of thousands of pastors, teachers, and evangelists on this mountain. There are also false prophets and apostles on this mountain.

However, there are some who have been called and chosen who are not part of this mountain of deception. However, many of them are too busy focusing on personal and organizational goals and objectives and have allowed this mountain of deception to grow and deceive many. But they know something is wrong, however, they do not understand how to explain it. Nevertheless, they have been called and chosen to work to make the Bride of Christ ready. However, they face much opposition because some are studying from Bibles wherein the integrity of the written word of GOD has been undermined. Some have made the resolve to work to feed the ones that GOD has given them and not engage in the battle outside of their church or organization. Nevertheless, the effects of this spiritual warfare impact the entire Body of Christ.

JESUS Gave Us Instructions on How to Determine Whether Doctrine is of GOD or Men – These Instructions have been Dismissed or Overlooked

While conducting this checkup, I discovered that JESUS gave us instructions on how to determine whether the doctrine was of GOD or Men in John 7:16-18 and what Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 1:8-1. It is apparent that these instructions have been overlooked or dismissed by the leadership of the Church and the ones who compiled the Bible.  We have discovered that when these standards are considered some of the texts written in 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus do not meet these standards. To correct this problem, the called and chosen must come together and take a fresh look at what is being considered for doctrine.

Satan has been very effective in working to ensure that women are denied the opportunity to work in the roles that GOD has called them to serve. GOD wants the Saints to bring this in order. First, let’s see what Satan has done on our watch to undermine the integrity of the written word of GOD to deny women the right to fulfill the callings. Let’s take a critical look at 1 Corinthians 14:33-36 and compare what is written in KJV and the NIV.

Apostle Paul writes: (KJV)

33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 

36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

1 Corinthians 14:36. King James Version of the Bible says: “What? Came the word of God out from you? Or came it unto you only?” The King James Version shows that Apostle Paul was admonishing these men in Corinth. However, the NIV has removed “What?”  Consequently, the admonishment has been removed.  What is the effect of this omission?  Readers of the NIV are being led to believe that women should be silent in the churches – it is a shame for them to speak in the churches – if they will learn anything they should ask their husbands at home. Consequently, readers of the NIV stand firmly on this deception!

Why did the NIV remove the admonishment? Of course, we could entertain several opinions here.  However, what is of utmost importance is to realize that these men were being admonished for holding the disposition that women should be silent in the Church. Surely if you have love for truth, you will acknowledge how the NIV undermined the written word of GOD in this text.

However, one may ask what about what Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:12 “…I suffer not a woman to teach…” Some scholars do not believe that Apostle Paul wrote 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, or Titus because the writing is contrary to earlier writings of Apostle Paul. This checkup is not written to resolve whether Apostle Paul wrote these books, however, to use the instructions that JESUS has given us to determine if the doctrines are of GOD or men. Thus, the conclusion has been made based on the scriptures, GOD never said that He suffers not a woman to teach. And there are other texts that are written in 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus that do not meet the standard that GOD has given us.  On our website www.revelationuptotheminue.org we have an article titled: “GOD never said that He suffers not a Woman to Teach – Satan uses Men to Marginalize the Role of Women in the Church.”  GOD wants the Saints to correct this problem. This is a comprehensive article that clearly shows Apostle Paul acknowledging women who labored in the Gospel, and Paul encouraged men to help the women who labored in the gospel. Moreover, the article explores Acts Chapter 16 when GOD opened Lydia’s heart to attend to the things that Apostle Paul taught. It shows how the NIV marginalized the text and many have missed the revelation that a church was established in her home, the Church in Thyatira.

The Need for Generals to Answer their Calling to Understand and Engage in this Spiritual Warfare

Today, there is a need for generals to come forth and understand the nature of this Spiritual Warfare. Revelation Chapter 12 describes the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan that was cast out of heaven into the earth. The Saints of GOD must understand who we are dealing with and the power that has been given to him. However, there are many Saints of GOD who are busy attacking one another. Today the Church needs generals who understand the nature of this spiritual warfare. GOD is calling forth these generals – His true Apostles and Prophets to work to make the Bride of Christ ready. GOD is commanding us to regain our focus.  We have posted an article on our website titled: “Regaining the Focus of GOD’s Strategic Battle Plan.” This article provides much revelation knowledge to help the Saints of GOD in the name of JESUS to come to the unity of the Faith.

The NIV has Undermined the Integrity of the Word of GOD and has Worked to Hide Revelation Knowledge that is Needed Today to Keep the Saints of GOD From Walking Naked

As a Prophet of GOD, I have studied the Prophets and the Book of Revelation; I give GOD the glory in the name of JESUS for the revelation knowledge that I have received. It must be noted, that I have discovered the writers of the NIV have undermined the integrity of the written GOD by making slight changes in the text that even impact the ones who study Prophets and the Book of Revelation. Here are several examples.

Revelation 16:13

KJV “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14. …which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world…”

NIV “Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; …”

There is a big difference between looking like frogs and as frogs. John was talking about the movement of the spirits and not the cleanness of spirits.  Consequently, the simple revelation has been misinterpreted by many. John saw people (Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, and others) in helicopters and planes with words from the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet going from kingdom to kingdom to bring about the battle of Armageddon.  This is going on today, however many have failed to understand the revelation because they have been focusing on the uncleanness of a frog instead of the movement. GOD does not want the Saints to walk naked. (GOD wants His People to understand what happening today!)

Here is another example.

KJV Jeremiah 51:1-2

 1Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind;

2 And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.

NIV Jeremiah 51:1-2

1 This is what the Lord says: “See, I will stir up the spirit of a destroyer against Babylon and the people of Leb Kamai. a

2 I will send foreigners to Babylon to winnow her and to devastate her land;

they will oppose her on every side in the day of her disaster.

This example shows how the NIV has undermined the integrity of the written word of GOD. The writer attempted to interpret the scripture instead of translating it. When you carefully align scriptures, you will discover that GOD controls the storms as one would by hand, and for any nation that comes up against GOD, GOD sends them destroying storms. (Jeremiah 50:1-2, Jeremiah 51:1-2, Isaiah 28:1-2) It is of utmost importance that we understand this revelation. One of the other assignments that GOD has given me is a Prophet to the nation. I have been working in that role since 9/11 after GOD revealed to me 9/11 before it happened. I have also been working to provide counsel to the leadership of the nation. This work is also posted on our website. Here are links to letters that were sent to the various Presidents since 9/11; just click on their names!  President G. W. Bush President Obama President Trump President Biden

GOD wants the Saints of GOD to understand what has happened on our watch and work to bring an end to this deception. These are only two examples; however, the list is long. Surely, this will be difficult for most because once the Truth is presented to them, many will reject the Truth because of the spirit of pride and love of money. Some have been teaching for 50 years. To receive truth some Bibles and books must be burned, and curriculums in schools must be changed.  Nevertheless, GOD wants the truth to go forth in the name of JESUS! We must work to please GOD!

I give GOD the glory in the name of JESUS, I have completed this task and shared this report. To effect GOD’s will to make the Bride of Christ ready, GOD has given His People the Church Readiness Ministries and other ministries to help.  On the website, there are several hundred articles and videos that are designed to help empower the Saints of GOD. We pray that you will visit the website and share this report in the name of JESUS.  www.revelationuptotheminute.org


Submitted at the Direction of GOD in the Name of JESUS, November 29, 2023


Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

Executive Director, The Church Readiness Ministries

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