Letter to President Barack Obama, June 20, 2012

Letter to President Barack Obama, June 20, 2012

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August 2012 Month of Repentance For the United States - Project

P. O. Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 28302-2935





America, America Calls to Repentance            


June 20, 2012


President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC, 20500


Dear Mr. President:

America needs to be healed and only God can heal this land.  To seek the face of God we must understand the ‘Inclusive Ways” of the Lord then acknowledge our sins and then repent. A movement has been launched to accomplish this objective, for the entire month of August 2012 a Call has been made declaring August 2012 – A Month of Repentance for the United States.  Christians have been calling out for repentance from across America.  Sermons have been posted, articles have been written, published, and posted; special videos have been produced, special teachings on the ways of the Lord and “Revelation Knowledge” shared in love.  Moreover, a website, “Revelation Up To the Minute”  www.revelationuptotheminute.org has been launched to consolidate these efforts and to help facilitate this movement of God.  Nadine, my wife and I have been chosen to help coordinate this movement.

Mr. President, we ask that you join us by proclaiming the Month of August 2012 as a National Month of Repentance for the people that love God in the name of Jesus.  We have enclosed a brochure that gives an overview of suggestive activities for the month.  We look forward to your support by signing a Proclamation declaring the Month of August as a Month of Repentance for the United States for the people who love God. 

            In addition to August 2012, on July 1, 2012, there is a “Call2Fall” Movement for Christians across America to fall on their knees and faces before the Lord in repentance prayer, pleading with God to reshape our lives, renew our land, and send times of refreshing in according with 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Acts 3:19.  As of this date, June 19, 2012 over 1,291,481 pastors and church leaders have joined in on this movement across the land.  The Family Research Council has taken the lead to help facilitate this call.  http://www.call2fall.com/participants

Moreover, realizing the seriousness of this year’s election, a 40 Days Call to Save America has been declared.  The upcoming national election will be the focus of the 40 days to save America starting on September 28, and continuing through November 6, 2012 the day of the election until the polls close.  We are calling for 40 days of prayer services, fasting and repentance.  God has given this vision to Dr. Rick Scarborough; view video and share. http://40daystosaveamerica.com/

Surely, it is time to humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of God to discover His ways, discover our sins and then REPENT.

Mr. President your are in our daily prayers and we pray that you will join us by declaring August 2012 as A Month of Repentance For the United States of America for the people who love God.  We look forward for your support.


Sincerely yours,

Elmore Richmond Jr. and Nadine Richmond

Coordinators of August 2012 – National Month of Repentance For the United States



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