Letter to President Barack Obama, February 8, 2013

Letter to President Barack Obama, February 8, 2013

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February 8, 2013


President Barack Obama

The White House

Washington, D. C. 20500


Dear Mr. President:

Dear Brother Barack, In Christ Jesus:

Dear Fellow American:

Dear Social Activist Obama:

            I am writing you because I love you my brother, as a Christian and a fellow American.  Moreover, I am writing you because you are President of the United States of America and I have respect for America, the country that I love, and the office of President, the office that you hold.  In addition, I am writing you because I know that you are a social activist, I can personally identify with your resolve in that role because I have been in that role since I was eighteen years of age – I took my stand in 1968 after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and have been active ever since.  Now I am a man of God, one of His prophets.  Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.” However, I have been called to bring forth warnings to the leaders and the people of the United States; I have been serving in that role since 9/11.

            As a Prophet of God, I wrote President George W. Bush thirteen times.  All revelations have come to past.  On October 26, 2001, at the direction of God, I wrote President Bush and warned him if he did not change the destructive path, terror would continue to visit America and America would experience a plague of national disasters at a level that this nation has not experienced in its short 200 year history.  On January 14, 2003, I warned the President and the leaders of the House and Senate if the United States went to war with Iraq, God would remove His covering from around our military and our nation would suffer financially and consequently, our military will suffer in maintaining its quality of life and will experience much destruction by fire.  Today, we are living this reality.

            Mr. President, since you have been in the office of President of the United States, I have written you twenty-five (25) times at the direction of God.  I have attached copies of the other letters.  In the past I have also sent you the following books:

(1)   “America, America: A Check Up For the Body of Christ”

(2) Ending Terrorism in the United States: God Has Warned U. S.”

(3)  And my book as a social activist, “The Power Pack: 101 Points to Social and Economic Justice.

 Surely, in the name of Jesus, I want you to succeed and America to prosper and realize social and economic justice for all.  However, Mr. President, today I am writing you again to let you know that America is still on the path of destruction and we must change course because you are leading the nation in a direct battle with God in the name of Jesus.  America has taken on a Babylonia’s posture as a hammer trying to shape things with her military might.  Consequently, you and other leaders of this land have not learned the lessons of the falls of other great nations.  At the direction of God, I have shared these revelations to the leaders of America.  The current approach to end terror is flawed and through this process the United States cannot win.  Consequently, you are planting more bad seeds.  It is imperative that you learn from the work that I have sent to you in the book, “Ending Terrorism in the United States; God Has Warned U. S.” 

Moreover, currently the United States of America is out of the counsel of God and is trusting in oppression and perverseness.  The leadership of this nation is putting their trust in our military might.  It is imperative that you and the members of the House and Senate understand the way of the Lord in the name of Jesus.  According to scriptures there are dire consequences when battling against God.  God makes peace and creates evil.  Evil is created as a reward for the ones who do wickedness.  God brings evil back to them.  Moreover, God controls the storms as a man would by hand; God promises to bring destroying winds to nations that come up against Him.  Last week, we experienced storms all round about us.  Again, today storms are forecast to be all round about us.  For quick scriptures refer to Jeremiah 50:1-2 and Jeremiah 51:1-2.  Now the immediate future of the nation is at your hand as Chief Executive. 

According to the word of God, a nation divided against itself cannot stand.  Surely this is the state of the nation.  Surely, the Congress has not worked in concert with you and it is very difficult to move the nation forward.  However, you have demonstrated a lack of respect for the other two Branches of Government.  Listen carefully, Social Activist Obama, now you are Chief Executive, the President of the United States.  Can you truly be both and serve as President?  Surely, you can.  You can be a very effective Social Activist, however in this capacity you have erred.  Allow me to explain drawing from my 44 years of social activist experience.  (In the Air Force I was a social activist for seventeen years, working for commanders at every level of command – addressing root causes of hundreds very complex social problems.) 

You are advocating rights for gays, Mr. President you are the Chief Executive.  The Supreme Court has upheld the policy to ban gays in the Boys Scouts and Congress has passed a law to protect marriage.  As you advocate for the rights of gays are you working as the President or Obama, the Social Activist?  Nevertheless, in the role of a social activist, you are willing to violate the rights of others.  Surely, gays are Americans and they have rights to become scouts, however they do not the right to join the established organization, the Boy Scouts of America.  Gays do not qualify because they cannot take the oath in good faith nor follow the Scouts’ Law.  In effect, you are advocating that the Boy Scout of America should remove “God” and “morally straight” from their oath and “clean and reverent” from their law to allow the gays to join their established organization. 

 Moreover, in this pursuit of advocating this quest for gays to join the Boy Scouts of America are you acting as President of the United States, the Chief Executive, one of the three Branches of the Government?  The Supreme Court has spoken and upheld the ban on gays.  Do you respect the power of the Supreme Court, a co-equal branch of government decisions?   Surely, the role of a social activist works to change decisions of the Supreme Court when he or she disagrees with those decisions.   However, Mr. President – you must be Mr. President and not lawless.  Does your action undermine the integrity of the structured system?

Like wise, something very similar has happened in your quest advocating for same-sex marriage.  A law was passed by Congress; you elected to stop defending the law.  Consequently, Congress had to appropriate a law firm to defend the law.  In the case of marriage, this is an institution that was established by the Creator.  To that end, marriage was established between a man and a woman.  Consequently, same-sex couples do not qualify to become part of that institution.  Here have you elected not to act in the role of Chief Executive, the President upholding the law of the land?  Or have you decided to operate in the role of Obama, the Social Activist?  Here you have demonstrated that you have no regard for the law of the land.  Moreover, the lack of respect for the Creator is clearly demonstrated.    

Can you be both President and Christian?  Surely, you can, however to be a Christian, you must fear God.  Jesus said, “If you say that you know me and keep not my commandments you are a liar and the truth is not in you.”  On February 4, 2013, I wrote you and warned you how through cunning craftiness you are establishing a wind of doctrine.  I pray in the name of Jesus that you will read that letter.  Mr. President, it may appear to be hard teaching, however the consequences for not repenting from this error is overwhelming.  Your actions are the marks of a reprobate.  I am sharing this in love.

              Mr. President, you are in my prayers, this is the only watch that we get.  I understand prophecy and I understand exactly where we are in the scriptures and the mistakes that we are making as a nation.  I have shared these revelations as a prophet of God.  I have included copies of the communications that I sent you since 2007.   Mr. President this is an important time in the history of this nation.  Your actions as President will have a direct impact on the future of America.  It is imperative that the nation repent.

Listen carefully, God loves people throughout the world – we are killing innocence people in the Middle East.  As we terrorize and destroy the infrastructure of other nations – God is bringing terror and destruction back to us.  This is the reason we are experiencing destroying winds all round about us.   According to scriptures this is one of the ways God deals with nations that conduct themselves as Babylon.  Refer to the letter that I sent you on July 27, 2012; it gives a detailed explanation how God uses destroying winds.  Moreover, in that communication I explain the box the nation finds itself in today and how God applies judgment to nations.  I have also shared the benefits of repenting and adhering to the counsel of God.  It is imperative that the leaders of America learn how to fear God based on His precepts.  It is apparent that you have not learned to fear God, Mr. President.  I am praying in the name of Jesus that this communication reaches your hands.  Only God in the name of Jesus can heal this land.         

Sincerely yours,

Elmore Richmond Jr.

Prophet of God in the name of Jesus


24 Attachments

1.    Letter dated, February 4, 2013

2.    Letter dated December 1, 2012

3.    Letter dated, September 17, 2012

4.    Letter dated, July 27, 2012

5.    Letter dated, July 7, 2012

6.    Letter dated, June 20, 2012

7.    Letter dated, February 10, 2012

8.    Letter dated, October 4, 2011

9.    Letter dated, August 26, 2011

10.  Letter dated, July 25, 2011

11.  Letter dated, May 31, 2011

12.  Letter dated, April 8, 2011

13.  Letter dated, April 7, 2011

14.  Letter dated, November 5, 2010

15.  Letter dated, October 31, 2010

16.  Letter dated, September 11, 2010

17.  Letter dated, September 7, 2010

18.  Letter dated, August 13, 2010

19.  Letter dated, November 18, 2009

20.  Letter dated, November 13, 2009

21.  Letter dated, October 21, 2009

22.  Letter dated, November 10, 2008

23.  Letter dated, April 3, 2008

24.  Letter dated, July 19, 2007











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