Letter to President Barack Obama, September 7, 2010

Letter to President Barack Obama, September 7, 2010

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 September 7, 2010

 President Barack Obama

 The White House

 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

 Washington, DC, 20500


 Dear Mr. President:

             First allow me to thank you for ending the United States military combat role in Iraq.   As you know this was a war without provocation.  On August 13, 2010 I sent you a copy of my book, titled “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.”  Besides, this book I sent you a copy of the letter that I sent to Secretary of State, Madam Hilary Clinton.  I pray that the book and the copy of the communication that I sent to Madam Secretary Clinton reached your hands.  I also would like to thank you for working to bring about a peaceful solution in the Middle East; I pray that Israel and all the nations in the region can work out peaceful solutions.  According to the word of God one day the people of Israel will live in peace and safety.

             You have a number of issues that you must address at the same time. You are in my daily prayers.  Mr. President, do you realize according to the scriptures God controls the storms as a man does it by hands?  Your recent decisions had a direct impact on the course of Hurricane Earl; thus the impact of the storm was minimized, unlike the destruction of the destroying winds we experienced when Ex President George W. Bush was in office.  God has established standards for Babylon and all the images of Babylon, at the time of their trouble there will be destroying winds all round about them.  (Jeremiah 50:2, Jeremiah 51:1-2 and Isaiah 28:1-2)  On pages 82 – 85 of the book “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.”, I explained the warning that God gave me about a plague of national disasters the United States would experience.  Since you have been in office, you have taken steps to receive favor from God.  However, I must caution you more sanctions are not the answer in dealing with North Korea, Cuba, or Iran.

             Under President George W. Bush’s administration they referred to these wars’ efforts as a “War on Terrorism.”  President Obama, it is imperative that the leaders of the United States understand why America experienced terrorism, until this happens we will continue to repeat the same mistakes.  On pages 56 – 57 of the book, I clearly explain the reasons that the United States experienced terrorism.  Moreover, on pages 57-73, I explain how we can end terrorism in the United States.

             Another issue that must be addressed is the growing tension in the United States between Muslims and Christians.  This is a very serious problem and it will continue to grow out of control if actions are not taken now to stop it.  I am a Christian; I had never read the Qur’an, however about two weeks ago I start reading it.  As of this date, I have read over 800 pages.  This was a true awaken to the reality of all of the bad misperceptions that I have heard over the years about what Muslims believe.  While I was in the military for seventeen years I worked social actions issues as a problem solver.  Drawing on this experience and my call to the ministry, I am working on an initiative that is designed to create a better understanding and to bring God’s people together because the Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God.  However, there are problems with doctrines, a mountain of rumors, myths, language i.e. meaning of words, and failure read the Qur’an to discover the truth about what Muslims believe, and many Christians does not understand the righteousness of God.  The problem is compounded because we have been (1) killing some innocent Muslims, (2) using them as mules in war fares, (3) destroying their countries without true restoration after the destruction.  Besides, the initiative that God has put in my heart, I recommend that you establish a commission specifically to improve the relations between Muslims, Jews, and Christians in the United States.   I have some suggestions on how this can be accomplished.

             Mr. President, several weeks ago I was in Washington DC.  During my visit, I hand delivered copies of the book titled, “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U.S.” to about eighty Senators’ offices.  I would like to send copies to the other Senators and every member of the House of Representatives.  However, currently this is too costly and it is not within my budget.  Nevertheless, it is very important that the leadership discover the way of the Lord – God has given us clear instructions on how to end terrorism.  We have failed to understand the lessons of what happened to the House of Israel and the House of Judah.

             Mr. President, this is our watch, I am sharing because God has commanded me to do so.  You are President and Commander In Chief of our military, however there are many in the House and the Senate who do not understand the way of the Lord, consequently they still believe going to war with Iraq was justified.  Some believe that we can end terrorism by imposing sanctions using our military might.  This thinking is in error.  I pray that you rethink the planned sanctions of Iran and North Korea.  After you read the book, “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S. you will clearly understand why this approach will not work.

             Besides the leadership of this nation, Americans throughout the nation must be informed of the way of the Lord.  I am working to inform both.  With the grace of God we will develop a powerful net work to accomplish this must needed challenge.

 Again, you are in my daily prayers.

 Elmore Richmond Jr.

 A Prophet of God in the name of JESUS


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