Letter to President Barack Obama, August 12, 2010

Letter to President Barack Obama, August 12, 2010

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August 13, 2010

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC, 20500


 Dear Mr. President:

             Please find enclosed a copy of a letter dated August 13, 2010 that I sent to the  Secretary of State, Madam Hillary Clinton and another copy of the book, “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.”  Mr. President, you are in my daily prayers.  Moreover, I am praying for the other leaders of this nation because we have made some very serious mistakes in the past; now we need the mercy of God to return America back to a prosperous nation receiving daily blessings from God.

             Mr. President, several weeks ago I was in Washington DC.  During my visit, I hand delivered copies of the book titled, “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U.S.”  to about eighty Senators’ offices.  I am sending copies of the books to the other Senators.  Moreover, I look forward to sending copies of the book to every member of the House.  However, currently this is too costly and it is not within my budget.  Nevertheless, it is very important that the leadership discover the way of the Lord – God has given us clear instructions on how to end terrorism.  We have failed to understand the lessons of what happened to the House of Israel and the House of Judah.

             Mr. President, I am a retired military serviceman, with over twenty years of honorable service.  Seventeen years of my military service, I worked social actions addressing root causes to social ills i.e. discrimination, racism, sexism, rioting on military installations, and other upheavals.  After I retired I continued the fight for justice in Los Angeles – I was one of the ones in the background working to end police brutality in Los Angeles and around the country.   Today, I am a prophet of God; God has chosen me to deliver these warnings and instructions.  America needs healing; this is our watch, I pray in the name of JESUS that you will adhere to the warnings and instructions.  Under your leadership, with the grace of God we can end terrorism in the United States on our watch.  However, the leadership in the House and the Senate must discover their past errors and then work in the best interest of the future of this nation. 

             Moreover, it is good to collect intelligence to monitor activities that pose threats to the security of this nation.  However, besides the monitoring of activities, we must be mindful of our actions because some of our activities create the environments that facilitate and feed the growth of more terrorists to include home grown terrorists.  Therefore, we must address root causes now.  In the enclosed book there are real solutions.  For example on pages 145 – 147, you will find a letter dated March 7, 2003 that explains a problem of terrorism within military during the 1970’s and our approach to addressing it.  Besides this letter, I would like to direct your attention to pages 151 – 155.  You will find a letter that I wrote to President Bush on March 19, 2003 – in this letter I share lessons learned and show why the preemptive approach is not always the best solution.

             Mr. President, this is our watch, I am sharing because God has commanded me to do so.  This message must go forth.  You are President and Commander In Chief, however there are many in the House and the Senate who do not understand the way of the Lord and they believe that we can end terrorism by imposing sanctions and with our military might.  This thinking is in error – Jesus said in Revelation 16:15, “Behold, I come as a thief, Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.”  As one of God’s prophets, I am bringing forth revelations so that the leadership of America, the country that we both love will not be caught naked.

             Besides the leadership of this nation, Americans throughout the nation must be informed of the way of the Lord.  You need the support of the people to preserve the future of this nation.  I am working to that end by sharing the word of God in love. 

 Again, you are in my daily prayers,

 Elmore Richmond Jr.

 A Prophet of God in the name of JESUS 


 Letter to Secretary of State, dated August 13, 2010

  1. Book: Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.


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