Letter to President Barack Obama - December 19, 2015

Letter to President Barack Obama - December 19, 2015

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Please Note this letter was mailed on December 19, 2015 by certified mail to President Obama.  This is just one of the examples how God continues to reveal revelations and how they have come to pass.  This is the revelation of the wild fire in California that happened on December 25, 2015.



The Church Readiness Ministries

Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr.

P. O. Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 38301



December 19, 2015


President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, D. C. 20500


Dear President Obama:

I pray that this letter will reach your hands before the events described herein happen. On December 18, 2015, God showed me in a dream what can be described as a city in the United States being terrorized by fire. Before I went to bed, I asked God in the name of Jesus to show me something that would happen in the United States, so you would know that He had sent me to provide continual counsel to the nation.   The last letter that I sent you was in a package that I mailed on December 14, 2015. I realize that it may be two to three weeks before that package is opened and you may never see the communication therein without bringing your attention to it. Here is a summary of what God showed me on December 18, 2015.

Summation of Dream

I was in a store picking up some layaways. I recalled after picking up some of the packages I went out to my car because I wanted to move it and bring it closer to the store. Next, thing that I can recall, I was traveling the streets and I heard the siren of emergency vehicles. I turned off the main street onto a side street. I noticed that there was a truck on fire, an eighteen wheeler. I went several car lengths pass the cab of the truck and stopped. Next I saw a car pull up beside the cab of the truck. An officer got out of the car and looked up at the cab. I thought that he was a Sheriff. However, it looked as if the officer was concerned about something else other than the truck on fire. He got back into his car. I was concerned that the truck was about to explode.

I pulled off; within a block I see a man sitting on his front porch of a wood framed house. I said to the man, there is a fire. Before I would complete my sentence, he interrupted me and said I see the smoke. However, he was looking in the other direction of smoke clouds. I then told him about the truck on fire. I thought that I was in Los Angeles, however as I continued to travel, I noticed small flames of fire; next I see these wood framed houses that were in the path of the fire. I noticed several people sitting on their porches; they looked as if they were poor. I woke up. (Please note that I had not reached the area that was producing the clouds of smoke.


Mr. President, please note God showed me this to let you know that He has sent me. God wants you to take note of the communication that I sent you on December 14, 2015. Within that communication there is God’s Master Plan to defeat ISIS. There is no prophet accepted in his own country.   The counsel of God in the name of Jesus is hard to hear. However, my job is to share it as God directs me. You and the leadership of America, the country that I love are in my daily prayers.


Sincerely yours,


Elmore Richmond Jr.

Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus


Letter to President Obama, dated December 14, 2015


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