Letter to President Trump June 5 2019

Letter to President Trump June 5 2019

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June 5, 2019


President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D. C. 20500


Dear Mr. President:


As I have pointed out in the past, God often reveals some of His secrets of events to me before they happen to let the leadership know that He has sent me.  On June 1, 2019, I had a dream regarding the need for training of the people on race/human relations. I thought that I was on a military base, however I am not sure.  However, next I was outside – I do not know where, however I know that I was in America.  Next, I see a small vehicle; I believe it was a small pick-up.  The vehicle was smoking; I noticed that the vehicle was on fire.  I called out to the people to call 911.  Next the vehicle went into a building; however there was no immediate impact.  Therefore, it is possible the vehicle went in a garage of the structure. Next, I notice smoke coming from the building; the building appears to be several stories high.  Then, I notice a person on top of the building – the person then jumps.  I say Call 911.  I immediately awake from the dream.  It was as if I was actually there.  This will happen soon.  Often when God shows me something like this it happens within 30 days.

Mr. President on May 30, 2019, I wrote you a letter, and I sent it to Mr. Mick Mulvaney, the Acting Chief of Staff.  The letter was part of a package that I sent you.  There were fourteen attachments to the letter and I also enclosed two books for you.  I asked Mr. Mulvaney to ensure that you receive these communications.   I also sent copies of the letter and the fourteen attachments to Mrs. Ivanka Trump.  I asked her to ensure that you receive the communications.    I did not send the package directly to you.  President Trump, It is very important that you understand the way of the LORD in the name of JESUS.  I am a prophet of God in the name of Jesus and God has commanded me to write you fifteen times since you have been elected President of the United States.   It is imperative that you take time out and read the warnings and instructions that God has given me to share.  It will be a very serious mistake to engage in a war with Iran without provocation!    Mr. President you were elected President to effect real changes.  One of those changes was not to lead the nation in the image of Babylon - putting our trust in our military might to shape other nations. 

Mr. President, listen carefully God controls these storms as a man would by hand.    God established standards for Babylon and the images of Babylon.  He commanded Jeremiah to publish those standards and not to conceal them.  Therefore, those standards are in effect today.   As we go out and destroy others nations’ infrastructure – God brings destruction back to us.  This is the reason that we have so much destruction in America today.  It is imperative that you understand the way of the Lord.  You are not the first President that God had me to share these revelations with.  I wrote President George W. Bush 13 times and President Barack Obama more than 30 times and all revelations have come to past. 

Mr. President this is the most difficult time of your presidency; the crises are numerous.  (1) The leadership of the nation is divided (2) The democrats in the House and Senate do not want you to continue to be President  (3) Threat of military confrontation with Iran (4) Threat of military confrontation with North Korea  (5) Trade War and tension with China (6) Tension with Russia (7)  Some of your current key advisors were involved in creating the “mess” in the Middle East  (8) The problems on the border (9) Some nations do not trust the United States because of past actions (10) The fake news media – a media that reports by exceptions (11) The leadership of the nation do not understand the Way of the LORD and do not fear God based on His precepts (12)  The democrats’ agenda of attacking the liberty of the Church to prevent Christians from speaking Truth (13) Problem of Race Relations (14) Daily attacks on you, the Chief Executive of the United States by representatives of another branch of the Federal Government (15)  Lawmakers failure to attend to the affairs of the nation (16) Elected officials failure to learn from mistakes that caused the instability in the Middle East (17) Failure to adhere to the counsel of God in the name of JESUS – consequently the leadership of the nation do not realize when we use our military to destroy other nations – God brings destruction back to us.  (18) In the midst of these crises you have individuals in acting positions – Chief of Staff and Acting Secretary of Defense.  (19) Failure to understand the revelation as outlined in Revelation 16:13-16 regarding the three unclean spirits as frogs.  Surely, this list is not all inclusive; however it is very clear that the nation is in a state of crisis.   (20) Some Christian Leaders are fast asleep (21) The United States is at odds with the righteousness of God – engaging in a spiritual war that we cannot win.  (22) The failure of Congress to hold effective legislative debates and compromises to make substantial laws that influence our daily lives. It is true the one of the purposes of Congress is to conduct investigations to oversee the executive branch, however the House of Representatives has clearly demonstrated their agenda is to work to end your presidency – Consequently, Congress has failed to serve as the voice of the people and their states and in the federal government in addressing the affairs of the nation.   

Mr. President, God did not send me to just state these crises; however God also sent me to provide His counsel with solutions.   I pray in the name of Jesus, that you receive the letter that I sent you dated May 30, 2019, the fourteen attachments and two books: (1) “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.” (2) “America! America! A Check Up For the Body of Christ”

Now allow me to turn your attention back to the dream that I shared with you at the onset of this communication.  I mentioned that I had a dream that people had a need for race relations/human relations training.  I said that I thought that I was on a military base, but I was not sure.  Here is the revelation.   The military is only a reflection of what is going on in our society.   Race relations and human relations training is needed throughout America.  Therefore, there must be a comprehensive program to address this problem in the nation.  There are some deep rooted problems that are brewing beneath the surface and it needs national attention.  These problems must be approached from this premise.  

Mr. President, it may be very difficult for you to understand the severity of the race/human relations problem.  It is imperative that you receive a detailed briefing of the true state of the racial and human relations climate in America; the briefing should include the current impact of racism, discrimination, disparity in our criminal justice system, and the corruption within some of our police departments.   Here in America, there are a number of factors that must be addressed to improve interpersonal communications.  However, recently we have witnessed some indicators of the problems with a few shooting incidents.   Some of these incidents are the results of ineffective communications, perceptions and the failure of the system to address the needs of the people.  However, there are thousands of more subtle incidents that never make the news.   President Trump with the divine help of God you are in position to lead a plan that could shock the nation.  Every channel of communication can be activated.  This can be done through churches, educators, business communities, grant makers, gospel singers, rappers, soul, country western, rock stars and entertainers, the stars of Hollywood, the media, politicians, and every citizen.  

Mr. President, God has showed me this problem also needs to be addressed by the leadership of the nation.  Here is the key – “The leadership of the nation must be lead to address all of these concerns.  Mr. President, as Chief Executive of the United States, God can guide you to work all these concerns at the same time.  President Trump, it is important to humble yourself and understand that God has blessed people in this nation with the knowledge, abilities, talents, and resolve to address these concerns.   To truly make America great again – you must realize that God is the one that gives you power to lead His people.   You are in our prayers that you will understand that God wants to bless America however America must discover her sins and repent.  President Trump, you were correct when you made the statement that Russia did not help you get elected.   However, it is imperative that you understand that you did not do it yourself – God touched the hearts of many Americans and they were moved to vote for you.  This is the real reason that you were elected President of the United States.   I cannot share it all in this communication.  However, as I mentioned two packages were sent to you through Mr. Mulvaney and Mrs. Ivanka Trump.  We pray that you receive both packages – you may wish to give one of those packages to Vice President Pence.  

President Trump, Jesus said that there is no prophet accepted in his own country.   However, you will know that God sent me in the name of JESUS after the incident happens that I mentioned at the onset of this communication.

You are in our continued prayers in the name of JESUS!


Sincerely yours,


Elmore Richmond Jr.

The Church Readiness Ministries


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