Letter to President Trump May 30, 2019

Letter to President Trump May 30, 2019

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May 30, 2019

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D. C.  20500

Dear President Trump:

America is in serious trouble; a nation divided against itself - shall not stand.  I am a Prophet of God; at the direction of God in the name of JESUS, I have written you fifteen times providing counsel to the leadership of the nation.  Mr. President, you are not the first President that God has sent me to warn.  In 2001, I explained to President George W. Bush that we could not win the war on terrorism with our military might.  I warned President George W. Bush before we invaded Iraq; I explained to him that God had showed me that war would be without provocation and I explained the consequences.  I wrote him 13 times to no avail; every revelation has come to pass.   Moreover, I wrote President Barack Obama more than 30 times, providing counsel at the direction of God; all revelations have come to pass. 

Mr. President, on December 14, 2018 you appointed Mr. Mick Mulvaney as Acting Chief of Staff.  Listen carefully Mr. President; General John Kelly was there to assist you to keep the promises that you made with GOD and America.   This communication is not questioning Mr. Mick Mulvaney’s ability to be Chief of Staff, however it is designed to let you know that the current approach of protecting the interests of the United States is not in alignment with the promise that you made with God regarding not operating in the image of Babylon – as an hammer shaping other nations with the United States military might.  Mr. President it is imperative that you take time out to learn the way of the LORD in the name of JESUS. 

On October 25, 2018, I wrote you at the direction of God; Mr. President it is imperative that you read the content of that letter.  I pray that Mr. Mulvaney will ensure that this communication reaches your hands.  Mr. President, currently you have surrounded yourself with some individuals who have clearly demonstrated that they put their trust in the United States’ military might and oppression and perverseness.     Moreover, these approaches are not within the counsel of God in the name of JESUS and God will bring destruction back to the United States as we go out to destroy other nations.

Mr. President this is the most difficult time of your presidency; the crises are numerous.  (1) The leadership of the nation is divided (2) The democrats in the House and Senate do not want you to continue to be President  (3) Threat of military confrontation with Iran (4) Threat of military confrontation with North Korea  (5) Trade War and tension with China (6) Tension with Russia (7)  Some of your current key advisors were involved in creating the “mess” in the Middle East  (8) The problems on the border (9) Some nations do not trust the United States because of past actions (10) The fake news media – a media that reports by exceptions (11) The leadership of the nation do not understand the Way of the LORD and do not fear God based on His precepts (12)  The democrats’ agenda of attacking the liberty of the Church to prevent Christians from speaking Truth (13) Problem of Race Relations (14) Daily attacks on you, the Chief Executive of the United States by representatives of another branch of the Federal Government (15)  Lawmakers failure to attend to the affairs of the nation (16) Elected officials failure to learn from mistakes that caused the instability in the Middle East (17) Failure to adhere to the counsel of God in the name of JESUS – consequently the leadership of the nation do not realize when we use our military to destroy other nations – God brings destruction back to us.  (18) In the midst of these crises you have individuals in acting positions – Chief of Staff and Acting Secretary of Defense.  (19) Failure to understand the revelation as outlined in Revelation 16:13-16 regarding the three unclean spirits as frogs.  Surely, this list is not all inclusive; however it is very clear that the nation is in a state of crisis.   (20) Some Christian Leaders are fast asleep (21) The United States is at odds with the righteousness of God – engaging in a spiritual war that we cannot win.  (22) The failure of Congress to hold effective legislative debates and compromises to make substantial laws that influence our daily lives. It is true the one of the purposes of Congress is to conduct investigations to oversee the executive branch, however the House of Representatives has clearly demonstrated their agenda is to work to end your presidency – Consequently, Congress has failed to serve as the voice of the people and their states and in the federal government in addressing the affairs of the nation.    Mr. President, God did not send me to just state these crises; however God also sent me to provide His counsel with solutions.

Mr. President, I realize that this may be the very first letter that I sent that you have been given the opportunity to read; therefore, I will reiterate what I shared last year in the letter, dated October 25, 2018.

“America continues to experience storm after storm; you just surveyed some of the damages that was caused by Hurricane Michael.  You may think like most people that we cannot do anything about these destructive storms.  However, Mr. President when you understand the Way of the Lord you will understand that God controls these storms.  According to Job 37:13, God sends them for correction, or for His land, or for mercy. Surely Hurricane Michael, Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Maria, and Hurricane Nate were not sent for the land or for mercy. (All were a Cat 4 except for Nate.) These storms were sent under your watch.  However, the following hurricanes that were sent under President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama also were sent for correction:  Hurricanes Hermine, Matthew, Arthur, Isaac, Sandy, Irene, Dolly, Gustav, Ike, Humberto, Cindy, Dennis, Katrina, Ophelia, Rita, Wilma, Alex, Charley, Gaston, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne, Claudette, and Isabel.  Mr. President on February 4, 2017, I wrote you and explained that God controls these storms as a man would by hand and as we go out and destroy other nations, God brings destruction back to us.  Two of the forces that God uses are destroying winds and overflowing waters. 

Mr. President you realize that the invasion of Iraq was without provocation and unjustified.  Moreover, you also have expressed that the United States was responsible for the mess in the Middle East.  Mr. President while you were campaigning for President you expressed that you were not interested in nation building and expressed that your belief in the sovereignty of nations. Although you did not use these words in effect you did not run on a Babylonia agenda; Babylon put it trust in its military might and shaped nations as a hammer.  I explained to you that God established standards as to how He deals with Babylon and any image of Babylon.  (Jeremiah 50:1-2)  These standards were not concealed; therefore they are in effect today. 

Jeremiah 51:1-2 says: “Thus Saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind; (2) And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.”  

Here it is important to understand the Revelation of the three unclean spirits like frogs as outlined in Revelation 16:13-16.  Apostle John writes:

“(13) And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  (14)  For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of God almighty.  (15) Behold, I come as a thief.  Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.  (16) And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”

Mr. President, the revelation is as follows:  (1) Three unclean spirits “as frogs” – this is refers to their movement.  Like a plane would leap from one nation to the next or a helicopter would jump from one nation to the next. (2) Out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  – Dragon talk: I will destroy you or make you comply with our military might – Beast talk: We will impose sanctions on you; we do not care if your people do not have enough to eat. – False prophet says:  Go to war it will be a quick victory, sixteen years later you are still in warfare.  This has happened to help facilitate the war in Iraq.  We must understand unfortunately, in the United States of America today we are using the Secretary of State, the National Security Advisor to this end when they move from nation to nation like frogs.  As the United States’ officials are used to this end, representatives from other nations also carry messages from the mouth of the dragon, and the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet.  It is imperative that we understand this is designed to bring about the battle of Armageddon.

Mr. President, it is also important to understand that God showed Prophet Zechariah the United States and the United Kingdom setting up a democracy in Iraq.   I wrote President Obama and other leaders on April 7, 2011 and explained the background for the crisis in the Middle East.  I explained that God showed Prophet Zechariah the earth has been covered with a curse; (Zechariah 5:3) moreover at (Zechariah 5:6-11) God showed Zechariah the United States and the United Kingdom setting up a democracy in Iraq.   The United States and the United Kingdom are the two women with wings of a stork (Zechariah 5:9)    Zechariah says that the wind was in their wings and they lifted up an ephah that contained wickedness between the earth and heaven and took it to the land of Shinar.  The land of Shinar is ancient Babylon – today it is modern-day Iraq.  The Word of God says it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.  This was established as a resemblance of the two women; according to Zechariah, these resemblances (democracies) are throughout all the earth.  God showed Isaiah in chapter 19 that He had mingled a perverse spirit in Egypt.   Consequently, Egypt wanted this thing called democracy.  

The Revelation of the Middle East Crisis - The Arab Spring

This perverse spirit spread throughout the region – thus all nations in the region want this form of government called democracy.  Moreover, America sowed discord among brethren.    God sees it as wickedness according to Zechariah! Why?  Democracy has failed to keep capitalism in check; consequently as we advocated democracies for the Middle East, democracies around the world are experiencing trouble, including rioting, protesting, demonstrations, and financial problems.  For the love of money is the root of all evil – listen carefully.  It was reported in 2007 in the United States that one percent of the population has SIX TIMES more financial wealth than the bottom 80%.  Even the thought of this is wicked; the top one percent has 43% of the financial wealth while the bottom 80% shares 7%. 

Recently Senator Bernie Sanders pointed out how the taxpayers were subsidizing the Waltons, the owners of Walmart because Walmart is not paying their people living wages.  Surely the figures he cited is questionable, however the premise is within alignment with the way of the LORD regarding not oppressing the hireling in his wares. God is still looking for an offering in righteousness as in the former years.  Therefore, God promised to bring judgment near to us.  In the book of Malachi the Lord says that He would be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, and against the false swearers, and against those that oppress hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me.   Let us take a quick look at two of these things the Lord hates – oppressing the hireling in his wages and oppressing the widow and the fatherless.  How do you oppress the widow and the fatherless?  Answer:  By cutting social welfare programs.

A closer look at oppressing the hireling in his wages includes: failing to pay living wages, outsourcing, closing up plants in the United States, and opening up plants in other countries in search for the lowest possible wages to produce goods or services.  In 1966 the assistant director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Hyman Bookbinder stated, “the poor can stop being poor if the rich are willing to become even richer at a slower rate.” This is not about socialism; however democracy must keep capitalism in check.

Mr. President, we must be proud of our military.  I am a military veteran and proudly served for twenty years and I am a proud American today.  God loves the people in America as He loves people around the world.  God hates when nations use their military and shed innocent blood.  Moreover, it is an abomination to God when leaders of nations sow discord among brothers as we did in the Middle East.  For God is love. I am part of the one percent of the nation who served in our military. Listen carefully Mr. President, poor leadership of the United States has clearly misused our military; poor leadership has caused many Americans to be wounded or killed in unjustified wars; moreover poor leadership has killed millions and destroyed other nation’s infrastructure in wars and conflicts when there was no provocation.   Consequently, today we are in a spiritual battle with God – a battle that we cannot win with our military might.  We must recognize our sins and then repent and change our ways.  Moreover, we are a nation divided against itself.  Jesus said that a nation divided against itself shall not stand.  This is the WORD of God, it is imperative that we take this to heart – God is not playing and the WORD of God will not change.

Mr. President, you are not the first President that God has sent me to warn.  I warned President George W. Bush on October 6, 2001 and explained to him that we could not win the war on terrorism with our military might.  In October 2001, I even published a book titled: “America! America! A Checkup For the Body of Christ.”  Chapter Seven of this work is titled: “Vision about America Preparing for War and Ending Terrorism and Healing the Land.”  This work clearly explained why America was attacked and provided solutions to end terrorism.  A copy of this book is enclosed.

Moreover, on September 3, 2002 before we invaded Iraq, I explained to him that God had showed me that war was without provocation and I explained the consequences.  On January 14, 2003, God gave me revelations and I shared them with President Bush.  These revelations included: (1) how God would remove his covering from around our military (2) God would send destroying winds (3) Our nation would suffer financially and consequently, our military would suffer in maintaining its quality of life (4) and we would experience much destruction by fire.   President Bush did not adhere to the warnings, I wrote him 13 times to no avail.   In 2007, I published the book titled: “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.”  Through this work, God provides counsel to the President of the United States of America and our leaders that will lead to peace.  Moreover, it shows leaders around the world answers to bring healing and peace from God to their land.  A copy of this book is enclosed.  (Copies of this book have been sent to President Trump with other communications in the past.)

President Obama ran on a platform of ending the war; He ended our combat role for a season.  Records will show in 2010 that no Hurricane hit the United States; in fact there were three hurricanes that approached the United States and then turned back to sea.  However, in 2011 President Obama sowed discord in the Middle East (Arab Spring) and unjustifiably used our military might and then God sent destructive storms to the United States.  In 2011, God provided counsel to President Obama to no avail.  

On February 4 2017, I explained the box that you have inherited.  Isaiah 33:1 outlines the box as follows:  “Woe to Thee that Spoilest, and thou was not Spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee!  When thou shall cease to spoil, thou shall be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.”  Consequently, we cannot win the war on terrorism with our military might; it will take the mercy and counsel of God in the name of Jesus to get us out of this box.  The counsel has gone forth however the leadership has not adhered to the counsel.

However, Mr. President God has you as President to effect changes.  I wrote President Obama in 2016 and explained that God had showed me that there was a call for change.  Moreover, on February 4, 2017, I wrote you and explained that most of the things that were in your platform were in alignment with the Way of the Lord in the name of JESUS.  General Flynn knew that we could not win the war with our military might; however you lost him from the onset of your Presidency.   I have attached a copy of that communication; I recommend that you read this communication; God sent this counsel to you.

On July 1, 2017, I sent a letter to the Secretary of Defense, General Mattis and warned him what would happen when we use our military might without cause. He did not adhere to the counsel.  Below is a quote from the letter.

“Mr. Secretary, it appears that President Trump has delegated power to you with very little oversight.  On the surface this sound great, however without understanding the spiritual battle that the nation is in you are bound to make some very serious mistakes from the very onset of your appointment.   Do you know that God loves people throughout the world?  Do you know that God makes peace and the same God creates evil?  Do you know that God creates evil as a reward for the ones who do wickedness?   Do you know that God has established standards for Babylon and any nation that conducts its affairs as a Babylon?   Do you know that God controls destructive storms as a man would do by hands?  Do you know why God cast Israel and Judah out of his sight?  Do you know the consequences of trusting in our military might? Trusting in Oppression and Perverseness?   Do you fear God based on the precepts of God?  Secretary Mattis, here is the nation’s chief problem: the leadership has clearly demonstrated that they do not fear God based on the precepts of God.  Here is an opportunity to get this right, however it is imperative that you take time out now and learn the Way of the Lord in the name of Jesus and learn from the failures of other leaders since 9/11.”

Mr. President, last fall you surveyed some of the damages that were caused by Hurricane Michael and you said that “nobody has seen anything like this.”  Mr. President, did this look like a war zone?   Can you picture what it looks like after we bombed Iraq without provocation and other nations in the Middle East?   It is very important to understand that God loves people in other countries and God is faithful to every one of His promises.   It is apparent that you and Secretary Mattis did not learn these lessons.  You have appointed Mr. Michael Shanahan as Acting Secretary of Defense, Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, and Mr. John R. Bolton as the National Security Advisor.  Mr. President it is highly possible that these men do not understand the Way of the Lord regarding how God brings judgement to nations.  It is imperative that you discover this truth and set the tone. 

Recently, I watched an interview on The Real News Network; Ms. Sharimi Peries was interviewing Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Former Chief of Staff of Colin Powell.  Colonel Wilkerson shared some very important insights that should be considered before taking any military action against Iran.  His insights mirror the way of the Lord. It also must be remembered, if action is taken without provocation – the United States will be in a war against the righteousness of God – a war that we cannot win with our military might.

Listen carefully; Congress just approved a military budget for billions.  Now billions must be spent to repair and replace planes and equipment that were lost or destroyed by the storms that God sent.  Moreover, there is a large construction cost to replace buildings, houses, barracks, and other facilities not only at Tyndale, however at military installations in Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Japan, Guam, and other territories.    God will bring destruction back to America if we engage in warfare without provocation.

 Mr. President we must be proud of our military; however we must not put our trust in our military might.   I pray in the name of JESUS that you will receive and adhere to this counsel; my life has changed since 9/11 – God showed me 9/11 before it happened.  Check my military record; I was one of the best in the field working serious social actions concerns for about sixteen years – advising commanders and supervisors at every level.  Now I am working directly for God in the name of JESUS.   If Christians do not repent and the Christian leadership of the United States do not repent and we continue to trust in our military might and oppression and perverseness we will continue to experience calamity after calamity.  God had me to send President George W. Bush this warning on October 6, 2001 and October 26, 2001; God has not changed.  Copies of these communications are included in the book, “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.” 

President Trump, many people have lost their homes; they say that they will rebuild; we will rebuild.  God says, if a nation conducts its affairs like Babylon, He will send them destroying winds and at the time of their trouble it will be all around them.   Take another look at the long list of hurricanes that is listed on page two of this communication; the list does not include the increase in tornado activity since 2003 after the invasion of Iraq.   Moreover, the list does not include: Typhoon Manghkut and Typhoon Yutu (Cat 5) that targeted Guam and the United States territories that were just sent under your watch.   I pray in the name of JESUS that you will keep your campaign promise and not use our military might like Babylon.  The nation needs healing; God promises that if we hearken to His Word we would have peace as a river, righteousness as the wave of the sea, terror will not come near us, and He will show us how to profit.

Mr. President it is imperative to understand the Way of the LORD and learn to fear God based on His Percepts.  As President, you have a very difficult job because the nation is divided against itself.  When you study the Way of the LORD you will find that the Democrats are correct on some issues and the Republicans are correct on some things.  In addition to trusting in our military might, I mentioned trusting in oppression and perverseness.  Malachi 3:5 brings light to this aspect of God’s judgment.  The Word of God says:  “And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow; and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.” 

It is very important to understand every aspect of this judgment – this can be done by acknowledging God in all of our ways.  JESUS said that there is no prophet accepted in his own country.  Therefore, I know that I will never be accepted in America.  Nevertheless, God has sent me to provide His counsel to you, the leadership of the nation and His people.  To that end please find enclosed all communications that I have sent you after you were elected President; recommendations are also provided therein.

Before I close allow me to bring to your attention the letter that I wrote you on March 31, 2017.  In that communication I shared with you the revelation of racial problems within our military.  I just read an article in the Military Times, dated February 28, 2019, by Leo Shane III, titled: “White nationalism remains a problem for the military, poll suggests.”   Surely, this problem is real and it impacts our military readiness.  Therefore, it warrants your attention.  Moreover, it is a reflection of what is going on within America.     

Surely, one of your concerns is “The Presidential Election 2020”!  However, what is of utmost importance is what you do today.   It is imperative that you address the nation now and clearly explain your resolve to address these serious issues that face the nation.   Moreover, one of your chief concerns must be to use your leadership skills to create the necessary dialogue with Congress to effect real changes.   Mr. President, it is imperative that you understand that you were elected President of the United States to effect real change – the current agenda of the Democrat Party that restricts Christians from worshipping God in spirit and in truth goes directly against the premise of the founders of the nation.  You are in my continued prayers in the name of JESUS.

Sincerely yours,


Elmore Richmond Jr.

Prophet of God in the Name of JESUS

Two Books Enclosed:

“America!  America! A Checkup for the Body of Christ The Church”

“Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.”

14 Attachments

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