The Church Readiness Ministries
Elmore Richmond Jr.
Post Office Box 2935
Jackson, Tennessee 38302
July 1, 2017
Mr. Jim Mattis
Secretary of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1400
Dear Secretary Mattis:
Listen carefully! I am retired military and I love America. My life changed in 2001, after God showed me 9/11 before it happened. God not only showed me 9/11 before it happened, God revealed to me why it happened and the current state that the nation is in today back in 2001. Since 9/11, I wrote President George W. Bush 13 times and all revelations have come to pass. I wrote President Barrack Obama more than 30 times and the revelations have come to pass. At the direction of God in the name of Jesus I provided counsel to the leadership of this nation and the leadership failed to hearken to the counsel of God. Attached you will find two books that were published that serves as record of the counsel that went forth and give instructions for the leadership today.
Since President Trump has been in office, I have written him four times. I have enclosed copies of two of the letters that I sent to President Trump in this communication; the letters dated July 1, 2017 and the letter dated February 4, 2017. I have also sent the President a copy of this letter that I am sending to you today. Mr. Mattis, we cannot win this war on terrorism with our military might. Before we sent out our first troops in 2001, God said recall. Now there is talk about sending even more troops to Afghanistan. This will be a very serious mistake without understanding that the United States of America cannot win this war with our military might. Today the nation finds itself in a box. Isaiah 33:1 describes the box as follows: “Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou was not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! When thou shall cease to spoil, thou shall be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.”
President George W. Bush and the leadership surrounding him put their trust in our military might and oppression and perverseness. President Obama inherited “The Box”. He attempted to bring the war to an end, however he failed because he failed to understand and receive the full counsel of God. Consequently, under his leadership, he compounded the problem by putting his trust in our military might and oppression and perverseness. President Obama sowed discord among brethren in nations in the Middle East; these actions were abomination in the sight of God. Consequently, today the Middle East is in a state of turmoil because of the past actions of the leaders of the United States of America.
Secretary of Defense Mattis, America must learn now and receive the counsel of God or this nation will be destroyed and this could happen on our watch. I have enclosed in this communication two books that God has put at my hands to help provide counsel to America.
- “America – America: A Checkup for the Body of Christ” This work was published on October 26, 2001. In this book you will discover the revelation of 9/11. God revealed to me 9/11 before it happened. This work was published and shared with President George W. Bush and other leaders within several weeks after 9/11. Below is a reprint of part of the letter that I sent to President George W. Bush on October 1, 2001. You can find the letter in its entirety on the website
“The message that God wants me to give you is not smooth to your ears; however, it is the word of God. The terrorism that we are experiencing in America is the fruit of the leaders of the United States trust in oppression and perverseness. Isaiah 30:12-13 explains why the World Trade Center was destroyed. “(12) Wherefore thus saith the Holy one of Israel, because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness and stay thereon: (13) Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant.” This was first written for Judah; however, God’s righteousness is forever. Therefore, the same standard applies to America today for trusting in oppression and perverseness. Isaiah 9:16 states, “For the leaders of His people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.” The leaders of America are also responsible for the death of these people who were killed on September 11, 2001. It is imperative that we understand the part we have played in this destruction and take action to ensure that it never happens again.
We cannot win this war with our military might, because we created the bad fruit. Some have ripened, some have not ripened. And the more military might we employ the more bad seeds we will plant. Page 40 of the attached book outlines specific commands that you must follow to secure this land and to help bring about peace to the world. Below is a quote from the word of God that God gave to me.
“Recall your planes, ships, and My people. Remove all unjust sanctions against countries around the world. Rewrite your trade agreements to ensure that they are fair to the workers. End your eagerness to shed innocent blood. Seek out the bad fruit that has now ripened. Apply just laws to all suspects that are still alive, that were involved in the planning and operation of the terrorist attack on America. Do not prosecute the innocent.
Bad fruits that have not ripened treat them with care, love, and understanding, because you helped create them. Change your hearts and take on a new resolve to end oppression and perverseness. Thus, you will end the terrorism in America if you turn to me. … If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
- The Book: “Ending Terrorism In the United States God Has Warned U. S.” - I would like to direct your attention to some of the warnings and revelations that have come to fruition in the book. On page 144, there is a reply from the United Nations, dated March 12, 2003; on pages 149–150, there is a reply from Senator George Allen of Virginia dated April 8, 2003. Please note affixed between these two letters on pages 145-147, is a letter that I wrote President George W. Bush, dated March 7, 2003. The last paragraph of this letter to President Bush on page 147 describes the financial crisis and its impacts that we are experiencing in America today. Moreover, on pages 128 and 130, there are letters that I wrote to President Bush, dated December 2, 2002 and December 20, 2002 that foretell the level of destruction that we will receive by floods. In addition to the floods, on October 26, 2001, President Bush was warned about a plague of national disasters at a level that this nation has not experienced in its short 200 year history; this letter is on page 120.
Mr. Secretary Mattis, God warned the leadership in America in 2001, 2002, and in 2003 before we declared war on Iraq. The nation was warned by God that the war was without provocation. Moreover, God warned of the consequences of going to war without provocations. Mr. Mattis, as a General, you were a strong leader and knew how to get the job done. Surely, you are still a strong leader and the President, a strong leader nominated you to serve in that role. Nevertheless, as you know this role as Secretary of Defense is not the same as that of a powerful military leader; now you are directing other strong military leaders. Now you have even a more difficult position, however you can master this position. But you must have more information, take advantage of lessons learned and recognize that you are also battling against the righteousness of God in the name of Jesus. Therefore, this is also a spiritual battle.
Mr. Secretary, it appears that President Trump has delegated power to you with very little oversight. On the surface this sound great, however without understanding the spiritual battle that the nation is in you are bound to make some very serious mistakes from the very onset of your appointment. Do you know that God loves people throughout the world? Do you know that God makes peace and the same God creates evil? Do you know that God creates evil as a reward for the ones who do wickedness? Do you know that God has established standards for Babylon and any nation that conducts its affairs as a Babylon? Do you know that God controls destructive storms as a man would do by hands? Do you know why God cast Israel and Judah out of his sight? Do you know the consequences of trusting in our military might? Trusting in Oppression and Perverseness? Do you fear God based on the precepts of God? Secretary Mattis, here is the nation’s chief problem: the leadership has clearly demonstrated that they do not fear God based on the precepts of God. Here is an opportunity to get this right, however it is imperative that you take time out now and learn the Way of the Lord in the name of Jesus and learn from the failures of other leaders since 9/11.
I am a prophet of God in the name of Jesus. However, Jesus said that there is not prophet accepted in his own country. Surely, America will not accept me. However, there is still light. America has not accepted President Donald Trump and President Trump was elected to help change the course of the destructive path of the nation. The good news is that President Trump is President of the nation, the Chief of the Executive Branch of the government. Therefore, President Trump and you are in my daily prayers. Surely, America can be made great again.
Again, I have enclosed two books and two of letters that I have sent to President Trump. The letters that I sent to President George W. Bush are included in the book “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.” Moreover, they are also posted on the internet. You may also view the other letters that I sent to President Trump and President Barack Obama on our website at
Praying for the nation in the name of JESUS!
Sincerely yours,
Elmore Richmond Jr.
Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus
- Letter to President Trump, date July 1, 2017
- Letter to President Trump, dated February 4, 2017
- Book: “America – America: A Checkup for the Body of Christ
- Book: “Ending Terrorism In the United States: God Has Warned U. S.