Letter to President Trump, July 1, 2017

Letter to President Trump, July 1, 2017

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The Church Readiness Ministries

Elmore Richmond Jr.

Post Office Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 38302


 July 1, 2017

 President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D. C.  20500

Dear President Trump:

Reference my letter June 8, 2017, I promised to send you a copy of a video on the resolution to end police brutality and corruption.  Please find the video enclosed herein.  Besides the video I have enclosed a copy of a letter that I wrote to Attorney General Sessions, whereby I shared with him a copy of the letter, dated June 8, 2017 that I sent to you and a summation of the crisis of the overall justice system.  This crisis demands immediate attention of both you and Attorney General Sessions.  The resolve that you have expressed regarding the unacceptable rate of violence and killing in Chicago and the actions being taken by the Attorney General is commendable.  However, this only addresses one aspect of the problem.  These young people need more jobs and opportunities.

Allow me to explain.  Among 20- to 24-year-olds, the Chicago area's employment rate is 47 percent for blacks, the lowest among the big cities, and 73 percent for whites, which is among the highest. Only Philadelphia comes close to that gap, with a 48 percent employment rate for blacks and 66 percent for whites.  May 25, 2016 Chicago's racial employment gaps among worst in nation.  President Trump according to a dated study of Professor Harvey Brenner of John Hopkins University: A 1% increase in unemployment causes a 5.7% increase in homicides, a 4.1% increase in suicides, a 4.0% increase in prison admissions, and a 3.5% increase in mental hospital admissions!  Mr. President to address the real problems in Chicago the Social Justice must also be addressed.  Therefore, there must be immediate initiatives involving the Department of Justice, Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the City of Chicago to address these social ills and provide real opportunities.

 In addition to the letter to Attorney General Sessions, please find enclosed a copy of the letter that I wrote to Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis regarding the crisis in the Middle East and the challenges that are before him in waging war to end terrorism.   I shared this information with him at the direction of God in the name of Jesus.  President Trump, it is imperative that we take advantage of and learn from the failures of leaders before you.  The bottom line, they put their trust in our military might and they trusted in oppression and perverseness.  Moreover, they clearly demonstrated that they did not fear God based on His precepts.   President Trump, I have shared this with you in past communications, however the actual communications may have not reached your hands.  Mr. President, I pray that your staff does not withhold this very important communication dated February 4, 2017 from your hands.   Some may think that the President is too busy to read these communications.  Only if President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama would have hearkened to the counsel of God – many of today’s challenges would not exist.  I pray that you will take advantage of and examine the communications carefully; you will discover that President Bush and President Obama were warned and they both failed to adhere to the counsel of God in the name of Jesus. 

 Mr. President, surely you understand as it is written in scriptures – For a nation divided against itself; shall not stand.  Surely, you have been working to bridge the divide, however today there are far too many in the House and the Senate who are fast asleep.  President Trump, listen carefully!  You must set the tone for the nation – many do not realize that the future of the United States will be determined at this juncture of the nation’s history.  If leadership fails to come together and work as a team – America will be destroyed – this destruction may happen on our watch.  President Trump you must prepare yourself to address the Nation.   You must stop feeding people who would like to destroy your presidency; and you must clearly demonstrate a new resolve to make America Great Again.  In order to make America great again the nation must work together as One Nation under God. 

President Trump, you and the leaders of the nation are in our prayers.


Sincerely yours,


Elmore Richmond Jr.

A Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus

 Three Enclosures


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