President Obama Warned Things Needed to Be Swept Clean - President Trump was Elected to Sweep Things Clean

President Obama Warned Things Needed to Be Swept Clean - President Trump was Elected to Sweep Things Clean

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On August 19, 2016, President Obama was warned that everything needed to be swept clean! Below is a quote from a letter God directed me to write to President Obama. This letter is posted on our website.

 The Dream:  I had a dream that I had just got a job with the government.  At first I thought that I was working for the military.  However, I do not recall seeing any military members in uniform.   It became apparent that I was working for the United States government.   Someone showed me the desk where I would be working.   Before I took my seat, I looked on the floor and I said unto myself before I sat down I must clean my area because there was debris on the floor all around my area.  Next, I went to locate a broom.  While walking around to locate a broom, I noticed individuals just walking over the debris and going about their business.  Everywhere I looked I saw debris, this was a vast area.  Finally, I located a broom, but it was of little use because there was only a few useful straws remaining – the broom was a stub-broom.   I began to walk with the stub-broom, yet I was looking for another broom.  Next I found another broom, although it had more straws than the stub-broom, it was of little use.  It had turned brown and the little straw remaining was curved because it appeared to have been in this position for a long time.   Next, I started to go back to my work area; however I could not find it because the structure was huge and it appeared to become larger at every turn.  I looked and I said to myself that I should begin sweeping here.  After I started to sweep, I knew that this would be an impossible task with an old broom and people with the attitude as if they did not care.  Next, a man approached me and said I will help you sweep.  I woke up immediately from the dream.

The Revelation - This dream represented the state of the government.  People are complacent and the foundation needs to be swept clean.  There is a need for new leadership to change the current state of the government and the mindset of the workers.  There are some in government that are willing to clean up the mess.

President Obama had publicly declared that Donald Trump was not qualified to be President of the United States. However, GOD had revealed to me everything needed to be swept clean.

On December 27, 2016, GOD directed me to write President-Elect Trump this letter. This letter is posted on our website.

Here is a quote from the letter.

“I am a Prophet of God in the name of Jesus.  Jesus said that there is no prophet accepted in his own country.  Nevertheless, God sends forth warnings to the leaders of the nation through His prophets.  Many did not want you to become President; however I believe that you can help America to become great again.  However it is imperative from the very onset that you understand the precepts of God and learn to fear God based on those precepts.  You will not receive this information from your intelligence briefings.  As a prophet of God, I am in touch with some future events that go beyond all of the nation’s intelligence agencies abilities.  Still, there is no prophet accepted in his own country.   God has showed me that America needs to change,  President Elect Trump, you were elected to help effect those much needed changes, however you will discover from the very onset you cannot effect some of those changes without making adjustments to your strategic plans.  Many of our leaders do not fear God.  However, I am here to let you know that God is real.  Here are a few of King David’s last words as recorded in 2 Samuel 23:3 “The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.”  God has blessed you with the resolve of gathering the facts, weighing what you gather, and then taking concise actions.  You must learn to hold your peace and then speak; it is apparent that you are working on that.  I am sharing in love – God knows that I want to see America great again.  Now allow me to share with you past warnings to the previous leadership of the nation and where we are today.

Here is another quote: The war with Iraq – President Trump was Right in the Sight of GOD!

 “Mr. President Elect Trump, you were right, we should not have gone into Iraq.  America was wrong!  You are also right about the state of the Middle East, America’s failed leadership helped to create the crisis.  You are also correct about the trade agreements.  Moreover, you are correct regarding the institution of marriage – this is God’s institution and it is between a man and a woman.  Counsel has gone forth to the past leadership to no avail.  On August 19, 2016, I wrote President Barack Obama after he declared that you were not fit to be President of the United States.  God shared a revelation with me that America needed to change – the litmus test that President Obama had made for you proved to be invalid.  I have attached that communication at attachment one.

Here is another quote: The Trade Agreements – President Trump was right in the Sight of  GOD!

 “Mr. President Elect Trump, again you are correct regarding the trade agreements – they are bad for Americans and for the nation.  In 2001, God said that these agreements should be rewritten.  Moreover on October 4, 2011, I wrote President Obama regarding the need to rewrite these trade agreements; below is a quote from the letter.

“Moreover, businesses throughout this nation have allowed greed to close plants in the United States in the search for lowest possible labor cost under profit maximization.  In effect some of our trading agreements have led to continued oppression, sweatshop, abusive child labor practices, and people working long hour without receiving a living wage.  We must review every agreement that does not provide real opportunities for the workers.  We must express our resolve to bring an end to sweatshops, and abusive child labor, and people working without receiving living wages.

We must reexamine all of our trade agreements.  If our trading partners cannot guarantee living wages for their employees and fail to adhere to proper treatment of its citizens, we need to rescind those trade agreements.  In addition we must reexamine all factors to include the problem of currency manipulation of the trading partners and companies incentives to move their business off shores.”  

Here is another quote. Need to address the problem of the poor in America

“Moreover, we must take more aggressive actions to end poverty within the borders of the United States and around the world.  In respect to the poor in America – did you know that many of the poor in America are paying more than fifty percent interests on personal loans from financial companies?   In addition to paying this high interest to financial companies, many are caught up in the “Pay Day Loan System,” A cruel system that preys on the poor whereby an individual borrows $200 and then pays $30.00 per pay day for life.  Moreover, big banks fund these “legal loan shark” operations.  Far too many of God people are suffering here in America - We must do more to protect the poor and end this suffering.  We must capitalize from the knowledge of demonstrated men and women that understand the plight of the poor.  Law Professor Peter Edelman of Georgetown University has clearly demonstrated his understanding and his resolve to work the concerns of the poor in this nation.  America needs people with this demonstrated understanding and resolve to help effect meaningful programs to address the needs of the poor in this nation.”

Here is another quote.  GOD Controls the Storms

“Mr. President Elect Trump, it is imperative that you understand from the onset of becoming the Commander-In-Chief that America has been engaging in a war against the precepts of God – A war that we cannot win.  God even controls the storms as a man would by hand.    As I explained to President Bush in 2001, that we could not win this war by supporting northern forces in Afghanistan as they fought the Taliban and using the other measures that he had outlined.  The same holds true today, we cannot defeat ISIS with our military might; we have created far too much bad fruit around the world to resolve this problem using this strategy.  It will only make matters worse and more bad seeds will be planted.  However, if we humble ourselves, turn to God, and change our wicked ways, we will cutoff the nutrient that gives life to terrorism.  I have attached God’s Master Plan to Defeat ISIS.  Mr. President Elect Trump before you commit any of our military forces to engage on the battlefield to take out ISIS, I pray that you will seek more counsel.  In 2014, there was a Documentary special on Showtime titled, “The Spymasters” – the focus was that we cannot kill our way out of this war.  God revealed this to me in 2001 – we cannot win this war with our military might.  In February 2016, I sent you a copy of “God’s Master Plan to Defeat ISIS.” 

Here is another quote: Building a Better Relationship with Russia 

Mr. President Elect Trump, you are also correct regarding building a better relationship with Russia.  God directed me to warn President Obama regarding playing games with President Putin.  On February 14, 2014, I shared the warning; a quote from the letter is below.

“We must understand that the leadership of America has released some unclean spirits that have reached the minds and hearts of many to include our children. Therefore, we have violence all over the nation because the leadership has demonstrated the posture of bullying, and justify killing without just cause.  We must be mindful what we say and the actions we take.  When you carefully examine the remarks of Assistance Secretary of State for Europe, Victoria Nuland’s comments regarding the Ukraine and compare those comments with the remarks made by President Putin several days earlier regarding Ukraine, Mr. President, you must understand the nature of the spirit that has been un-leased throughout your administration.  This is very, very, serious.”  

Here is another quote – Same Sex Marriage – President Trump was Right in the Sight of GOD

 “Mr. President Elect Trump, before I close this communication, allow me to share that you are also correct regarding God’s disposition on the Institution of Marriage.  Mr. President Elect Trump, again you have it right – Marriage is God’s Institution and marriage is between a man and a woman.  God had me to share this concern with President Obama on February 14, 2014 Below is a quote from that communication.

 “Mr. President, God wants you to know that it is He who created the World and made both man and woman for his pleasure and He did not make a mistake.  Moreover, He created this norm for His creations when He created woman for man.  Moreover, God created the institution of Marriage – God’s word changes not.  For it is recorded: “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves; Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.  Amen.  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”  (Romans 1: 24 – 26)  Mr. President, God said that He has given these people up, however you say that these people should be proud to engage in behaviors that are un-natural and unclean, behavior that the Creator calls an abomination!    This is an example of a reprobate mind.  Surely, you have not considered the latter end of this disposition.  There is no benefit for America to redefine marriage, change norms of society, ignore the word of God to broaden opportunity, advance equality, and level the playing field for the LGBT people and the community.  Only the truth will set these people free – their behavior is unclean and not natural – and in the sight of God it is an abomination – moreover their behavior cannot bear any fruit.” 

Here is another quote! The Future of the Nation is at hand.

Mr. President Elect Trump the future of the nation is at hand.  God loves America and God wants America to prosper and to continue to receive His blessings.  However, for America to continue to receive God’s blessings His people must seek His face and turn from their wicked ways.  I have carefully studied the prophets and I know exactly where America is now as a nation and what will happen if we as a nation fail to repent.  God is a merciful God.  This is how God applies His judgment to nations as recorded in Jeremiah 18:7-10 – “At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.  And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; if it do evil in my sight, that obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.”

Before I send forth communications to the leadership of the nation, GOD always reveals something to me that will come to pass, so the leadership would know that He has sent me. Below is a quote from the letter that was written to President-Elect Trump, on December 27, 2016.  – GOD revealed to me what would happen in Los Angeles at the time of his inauguration in 2017. This is a very powerful revelation. Read this revelation carefully. You will discover, in 2017 this came to pass. Moreover, the same thing happened in Los Angeles at the time of President Trump’s second inauguration. This revelation is very powerful. President Biden re-enacted President Obama’s agenda and President Trump was elected to clean up the mess. The mess goes beyond the damage done by the fires and the storms. Again, here is a quote from that letter.

“Mr. President Elect Trump, often when I share with the President, God reveals to me a future event that will happen often within about thirty days.  God has revealed to me the following event that will happen shortly.   On December 19, 2016, in a dream God took me to a city here in the United States, I thought it was Los Angeles, however what I witnessed it did not look like Los Angeles.  Nevertheless, I was walking and I saw some people go inside of a building – I followed them.  It looked as if there were people setting up stands for a flea market or something.  I did not recall seeing any merchandise, however I just knew this was what they were doing.  Everything appeared to be make-shift.   I did not know where I was, and I did not know how to get out of the structure.  I asked a man; where are the exits?  He took me to a door; the door appeared to be padded.  I told him that I wanted to go shopping; next I asked him if he could tell me how to get to Denker from here - I told him that it had been a long time since I was in Los Angeles.  He said to me he did not know; then he told me: “you know that you should not be outside for a long period.” I thought he said because it is too cold; however I am not sure what he said.   He opened the door for me; after I exited the structure, I was surprised.  I did not know where I was.  I did not see any buildings ahead of me.  It looked as if there had been total devastation.  As I began to walk I saw abandoned cars.  Next I saw cars that were stacked up on top of one another, as if someone had gathered them together.  However, it was clear to me that this was not a lot for wrecked cars.   The ground was wet; I believe I was walking in mud; however I do really know, the substance was black and sticky.   I heard something coming up behind me; it was two people walking and they were ready to pass by me.  As they passed by I noticed that they were dressed very heavy.  Next I noticed that I had on a bright yellow vest.  I do not recall seeing anyone else outside – It appeared that something had happened to create a complete devastation of the area.  Mr. President Elect Trump, I do not know what will cause this catastrophe to bring forth this devastation.  If this does not tarry, it will happen around the time of your inauguration.  I am praying for the mercy of God in the name of Jesus.

Again, this was revealed to me regarding Los Angeles in 2016. It happened in 2017 and it also happened in 2025 at the time of the inauguration of President Trump.  On February 4, 2017, at the direction of GOD, I wrote President Trump. Here is a link to that letter.

On March 30, 2017, GOD directed me to write President Trump another letter regarding the consequences of being lifted in Pride. Click on this link to read the letter.

During President Trump’s first administration, at GOD's direction, I wrote him over 20 times; this is a link to those communications.

Many of these communications may have never reached the hands of President Trump. However, at the direction of GOD, I wrote President Trump on February 7, 2025. This letter will be released to the public later. We pray that this letter will reach President Trump’s hands. 

President Trump promised to work to help Dr. Martin L. King’s dream become a reality. Click on this link to watch a video on how to work with President Trump to bring Dr. King’s dream to fruition and to ensure GOD’s will is done. Click here!  

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