Was Hurricane Helene Sent to the United States by An Angry GOD? Graham Said: Mother Nature Bombed Us Pretty Hard!

Was Hurricane Helene Sent to the United States by An Angry GOD? Graham Said: Mother Nature Bombed Us Pretty Hard!

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Was Hurricane Helene Sent to the United States by An Angry GOD?


Senator Lindsey Graham said: Mother Nature Bombed Us Pretty Hard! Why

Would GOD Bomb the United States? Understanding the Way of the LORD!


By: Prophet Elmore Richmond

       Executive Director

       The Church Readiness Ministries


According to an article published in Greenville News, on September 29, 2024, Senator Lindsey Graham said: “Mother Nature Bombed Us Pretty Hard! Senator Graham may not understand the revelation of what he said; however, we must know that based on scripture the United States of America is warring against the righteousness of GOD. The people in the United States must understand this revelation. In this article, we will explain the revelation based on scripture and what we must do as a nation to do what is pleasing in the sight of GOD in the name of JESUS.

As you travel across the United States you can see cities where you find much destruction; many cities look as if military weapons have bombed them. The latest destroying storm was Hurricane Helene. This storm brought much destruction and was accomplished by dozens of tornadoes in various states. Many have concluded that this is just what is to be expected if you live in America. However, it has not always been this way; today the storms are more numerous and destructive. We rebuild and the destructive storms keep coming over, 

and over again.

According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, the United States experienced 2.77 trillion Dollars in Storm Damages between October 2001 – September 2024

I said 2.77 trillion dollars in storm damages between

October 2001 – September 2024.

This does not include the damage that was caused by Hurricane Helene and the accompanying tornadoes.

When you look at the type of destruction the United States receives, it appears that the United States is warring with GOD and He is destroying our cities.

Some will immediately say, this is a foolish thought to think that we can be at war with GOD.

Well before you say this is a foolish thought; let us examine a few scriptures.

Jesus demonstrated that GOD controls the storms. Isaiah explained how GOD controls the storm and overflowing waters as by hand.

Isaiah 28:1-2 says:

(1) Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine!

(2) Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Notice this is a woe! When you take a close look at these scriptures you discover that GOD controls.

The tempest of hail

The destroying storm – it appears that some storms are designed to bring destruction.

It says, destroying storm as a flood of mighty waters overflowing cast down to the earth with hand. Some storms dump 10, 15, 20 inches of rain within 24 hours.

As we study the word of GOD, we find that GOD has established standards on how He judges nations.

Let’s read what GOD gave Jeremiah to write.

Jeremiah 50:1-2

The Judgment on Babylon and the Images of Babylon

(1) The word that the LORD spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet.

(2) Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

We must note here that this standard was not just for ancient Babylon, however, it was also published for the images of Babylon. And the standard was not concealed. This means that the standard is also written for nations today that conduct their affairs like ancient Babylon did. Babylon puts its trust in its military might. Jeremiah 50:23 describes Babylon as a hammer because it used military might to shape things.

As we study the scripture, we find that GOD had Jeremiah write severe Judgment against Babylon and the images of Babylon.

KJV Jeremiah 51:1-2 says:

1Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind;

2And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about. You must carefully read this text!

Oh, I must point out I am reading from the King James Version of the Bible. In some versions of the Bible, the writers changed this text; therefore, you will not receive this revelation.

GOD said that He would raise up against Babylon. And against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me a destroying wind.

Here we can see that GOD said dwell in the midst of them; we must note that GOD was not only talking about ancient Babylon. However, GOD was even talking about nations today that conduct their affairs as ancient Babylon did.

When you carefully examine this text you will discover that when a nation conducts its affairs like ancient Babylon, the nation is in a war with GOD.

A war that a nation cannot win! Ponder this thought! Is the United States of America conducting its affairs like ancient Babylon? 

Have we put our trust in our military might?

The United States also has approximately 750 foreign military bases in 80 nations around the world. Yes, you hear me correctly.

I said 750 foreign military bases in 80 nations. There is no other nation that comes close. The UK has 145, Russia about 36, And China has five

Well based on these numbers, it becomes clear that the United States has put its trust in its military might.

Well, some may say that they are there to keep peace. However, before we embrace the notion that the United States military is a peacekeeping force, we should look at the history of how this military might have been and is being used. And we must understand the way of the LORD.

Every Christian in America must be honest and ask some questions: have we truly sought the LORD to understand His ways, or do we have prayer meetings and repeat 2 Chronicles 7:14. Do we truly understand the Way of the LORD?

To understand the Way of the LORD; we must understand The Things that GOD Hates

Proverbs 16:16-19 says:

Verse 16:  These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:  Verse 17:  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

Verse 18: An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,  Verse 19: A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

We know when a nation sheds innocent blood; surely GOD hates it when this happens. However, we must take a serious look at how we have used our military. In 1991, we had Operation Desert Shield. It is estimated that a total of 189,000 died directly from this war.

The United States was not alone; the United States led a coalition of 43 countries in Operation Desert Shield against Iraq. Some may say this was not the shedding of innocent blood.

How did the people in Iraq see it after they had lost their loved ones? The real question is how did GOD see it?

Sometimes we do not look at things from GOD’s vantage point.

In fact, in the United States, we declared victory in 1991 and held a major celebration on the streets of New York after killing an estimated total of 189,000 people who died directly from the war. We declared victory – after 382 U.S. troops were killed and Iraq withdrew from Kuwait.

What happened ten years later, there was 9/11. About 3,000 innocent people died in New York City; New York City, the same that we had a major celebration ten years earlier.

President George W. Bush declared a war on terrorism!

We invaded Afghanistan less than a month after 9/11. With the help of NATO we attempted to dismantle Al Qaeda and crush the Taliban. It is reported, Osama bin Laden was killed.

During the War in Afghanistan, according to the Costs of War Project, the war killed 176,000 people in Afghanistan: 46,319 civilians, 69,095 military and police and at least 52,893 opposition fighters.

There were 2,459 American Service members died in that war and 20,769 were wounded.

Although Baghdad had nothing to do with 9/11, President George W. Bush declared Iraq as part of the “Axis of Evil.”  And in March 2003 the war against Iraq commenced. It did not take long to realize that this war was without provocation. The figures range from 300,000 to 1.1 million were killed directly related to the war. Sometimes, it is easy to see the wickedness of others when they shed innocent blood.

But GOD sees and knows all things.

There are operations and conflicts where the United States has led in the shedding of innocent blood. The list is far too long to discuss in this short video.

But today some will say that the United States is not engaged in warfare and is not shedding innocent blood. Well before you embrace that notion. Let us take a closer look at what the LORD hates and then a closer look at the actions of the United States today.

Proverbs 16:19 says when you sow discord among brethren it is an abomination unto GOD.

When you look from GOD’s vantage point you will discover that the United States has a history of sowing discord among brethren.

Do you remember the Arab Spring in 2011? As the United States promotes Democracy to other nations, we sowed discord among brothers in these nations. The effects of the Arab Spring varied; in some nations there were uprisings, regimes failed, and in some there were even civil wars. Here are a few of the nations that were impacted.

Tunisia, Libya – a revolt, Egypt – there was an uprising that led to Mubarak stepping down as President.  Syria – a civil war Yemen – an uprising

Today, many see Democracy as the best form of government. However, when you see things from GOD’s vantage point you see things from a different perspective.

Zechariah Chapter Five, verses 1-4 explains that the whole earth has been covered with a curse.

Zechariah Chapter Five, verses 5 through 11 explains how Zechariah saw two women with wings of a stork setting the resemblance of them in the land of Shinar. It was explained that these resemblances were wickedness, and they were throughout the earth.

The land of Shinar is ancient Babylon or modern-day Iraq. It is of the utmost importance to understand this revelation.

This has happened in our lifetime. Did we see the United States establish a democracy in Iraq? Yes, we did! GOD called it wickedness.

We must understand the earth has been covered with a curse and there is no nation doing what is right and pleasing in the sight of GOD and the leadership has not learned to fear GOD based on His precepts.

Today, we are involved in a proxy war with Ukraine and Russia.

GOD knows what happened in 2013 and 2014, the United States sowed discord in Ukraine by supporting the rebels.

There was an uprising in Ukraine in 2014, and the duly elected President was forced to flee the country and go to Russia. There has been a civil war since 2014. 

Today, thousands are being killed and Ukraine continues to experience much destruction. Now there is even destruction in Russia. However, some think that the United States has not received any destruction from the war!

Well, GOD wants the people of the United States to understand His ways. GOD controlled Hurricane Helene and all of these destructive storms.

GOD will continue to bring destruction to the United States and other nations that conduct their affairs as ancient Babylon.

Nations should understand, that GOD will also bring destruction to the nations that house United States military bases when the United States uses these nations to engage in the things that GOD hates.

The United States is in a war against the righteousness of GOD. A war that we cannot win. We must fear GOD and repent.

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