Warnings From GOD to the leadership of America since 911

Warnings From GOD to the leadership of America since 911

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At the direction of GOD, Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. warned President Joe Biden of things to come.

 Click on this link to read the letters


At the direction of GOD, Prophet Richmond warned President Donald Trump of things to come!

Click on this link to read the letters


At the direction of GOD, Prophet Richmond warned President Barack Obama of things to come.

Click on this link to read the letters!


At the direction of GOD, Prophet Richmond warned President George W. Bush of things to come!

Click on this link to read the letters!


Click here to watch a video titled: GOD has warned America, But the Leadership has not listened, Wake up Children of GOD.

Click here to read some of the warnings to the United States

Click here to read some of the letters from Officials

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