On March 29, 2022, GOD directed Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. to warn President Biden to work for an all-clear; however, President Biden did not adhere to the warning. In addition to the warning, the Prophet warned the President of the dream of commercial buildings burning. Surely, this revelation has come to pass with the number of food processing plant fires across the country. Click on the link below to read the letter that was sent to President Biden. Within the letter there were attachments; we have linked those attachments. The links include three letters that were sent to President Obama regarding Ukraine – a problem that the United States has helped to create and how to prevent further escalation. There is a link to a letter from President Obama in 2014 to Prophet Richmond, And there is also a link to a video that was sent to President Biden. To read the letter sent to President Biden on March 29, 2022, and links for the enclosures sent to him click on this link.
In addition to the communication that was sent to President Biden, here is a link to a letter that we received from President Biden on August 22, 2022.
Below are links to warnings that have been sent to the President of the United States since 9/11
Letters sent to President George W. Bush
Letters sent to President Barack Obama