President Biden has Been Warned - GOD is Not Pleased!

President Biden has Been Warned - GOD is Not Pleased!

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President Biden Was Warned to Work for An "All Clear"

President Biden Has Not Adhered to the Warning!


On March 29, 2022, At the direction of GOD in the name of JESUS, Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. wrote President Biden and explained to him that GOD wants him to work for an "All Clear." Prophet Richmond explained that GOD sees the war Between Russia and Ukraine as a "Proxy War." The revelation was shared with President Biden.  However, as of this date, President Biden has not adhered to the counsel of GOD. Below are links to the letter and attachments that were sent to President Biden. There is also a link to the letter that was received back from President Biden. We pray in the name of JESUS you will read these communications and pray in the name of JESUS that we will change the destructive path!

Here is the link to the Letter sent to President Biden on March 29, 2022

Attachment One to the letter was a Letter that was sent to President Obama, dated February 14, 2014. This letter explained to President Obama that GOD was not pleased with the action of the United States using Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to sow discord in Ukranie in support of the rebels.  The letter also explained the Way of the LORD, in it outlined the things that GOD hates. Click here for a link to this letter

Attachment Two to the letter was a letter that was sent to President Obama, dated March 12, 2014. This letter explained the state of the nation and the United States was doing the things that GOD hated and GOD was not pleased. It was explained how GOD applies judgment to nations. Click here for a link to this letter

Attachment Three was a letter from President Obama, dated April 18, 2014. 

Attachment Four was a letter to President Obama, dated April 30, 2014. It was explained to President Obama why America was experiencing storms all around the nation. It was also explained that GOD was not pleased with the leadership of the United States because we have sowed discord among brethren in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine. It was explained that the United States was battling against GOD and one of the forces GOD uses is destroying storms.  Click here for a link to this letter!

A DVD was also included in the package that Prophet Richmond sent to President Biden on March 29, 2022. Click here for a link to the video.

On August 26, 2022, I received a reply from President Biden. Click here for a link to the link from President Biden


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