Letter to President Trump, June 8, 2017

Letter to President Trump, June 8, 2017

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The Church Readiness Ministries

Elmore Richmond Jr.

Post Office Box 2935

Jackson, Tennessee 38302


June 8, 2017


President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D. C.  20500


Dear President Trump:

Over the past three weeks, God has revealed to me the state of equal opportunity and justice in the nation.  It was very troubling; the lack of integrity and racial discrimination are at the core.  I saw a large file being pulled from underneath the rug.   Moreover, in a dream I saw that there were some complaints that were not even being processed; I also saw people who were working in the position of complaints processors that were not committed to ensuring justice and the fair treatment of the people.

On June 5, 2017, God showed me that there was even a lack of integrity of processing complaints of discrimination within our military; moreover, there are counselors who are not concerned about ensuring equal opportunity and treatment for our military personnel.  The rift between the committed and the uncommitted is very serious within the system; I was able to see internal turmoil among the counselors; I saw a hostile environment – the hostility had reached  the point that an individual attempting to cause physical harm to a co-worker because of the rift. This is a very serious revelation.

President Trump, this is very serious; God has revealed to me that there is a lack of integrity within our justice system and all will be impacted to include members within our military.  The military, the people who are there to serve and protect the nation are not being protected because the internal corrupted system can no longer ensure that they have equal opportunity and treatment.  President Trump, you do not understand the history of racial violence within our military during the 1970’s.  Do you know that there were race riots, killings, and other major incidents on our military bases, stateside and around the world?  I know firsthand; I was in the military and worked the field to bring forth resolutions.

Mr. Trump, the nation is in a state of crisis.  There is no assurance of the rights for the workforce; no assurance of civil rights for the people and the members of our armed forces; the public cannot trust the police and the justice system has failed to protect the people from the police.   Moreover, the leadership of the nation is divided against itself.   The news media is corrupt and works to help ensure that there is a divide amongst people.  Moreover, the Church is asleep, consequently there is not enough light shining into many dark places and the salt has lost its savor. 

Mr. President, surely you are a man of understanding; however there are some more things that you need to understand about this crisis.   I realize that your upmost objective is to make America great again and to protect the interests of the nation.  Nevertheless, there are members in your cabinet who do not have a clue on how to ensure equal opportunity and treatment for all in all walks of life in America and within our military.  The justice system is broken and if there is not an immediate change, shortly you will witness the manifestation of its brokenness. 

On December 27, 2016, I shared a letter with you that I sent to President Barack Obama on December 12, 2016.  Here is a quote from the letter that I sent to President Obama.  “It is unfair to the People for you to fail to expose the true nature of this problem before you leave office.  In fact it is a dereliction of duty as President of the United States of America.   Moreover, it is unfair to the next administrative to inherit this dire and deathly state of corruption and a complete breakdown of law and order without a complete analysis and proposed corrective action.  I pray in the name of Jesus, that you will take action now.”   President Obama did present an update of his actions to address this concern; however the full scope of the problem was not clearly defined. 

President Trump, on February 9, 2017, you signed an Executive Order preventing violence against Federal, State, Tribal, and local law enforcement officers.  Surely, it is imperative that we work to ensure that the police are protected as they serve the People of the United States of America.  Nevertheless, the current reality is that the People need protection from the corrupt system that allows the police to routinely kill citizens throughout the nation without any accountability.  Moreover, police abuse is now commonplace throughout the nation.  Mr. President, I believe that you are a man who truly wants to make America great again; however it is apparent that you do not realize that you do not understand the current state of Police and Community Relations and the corruption that allows the police to abuse or kill Americans throughout the nation without holding the police accountable.

 Mr. President, you are not alone, most Americans do not understand the nature and the full scope of police abuse of power.  The Department of Justice has issued some outstanding publications that are designed to improve police and community relationship.  The publications below give sound instructions:

  • “Police Use of Excessive Force: A Conciliation Handbook for the Police and the Community” The guide book was first published in May, 1982; it was developed to give the police and community groups options for addressing any controversy surrounding the police use of excessive or deadly force.  Community Relations Service updated the document in 1999 when the agency co-sponsored a meeting with the National Urban League and the League of United Latin American Citizens on police-minority community cooperation.  According to CRS, there were representatives at the meeting from minority organizations, police executives, line officers, public officials, and civic leaders from across the country.
  • Publication Title: “Addressing Police Misconduct: Laws Enforced By the United States Department of Justice” (U. S. Department of Justice – Civil Rights Division)

Although these publications are outstanding; the Bible is also outstanding.  Just like people fail to follow the commands of God, the police in communities across the nation fail to follow these directives and unfortunately the corrupted justice system has failed to hold the police accountable.  In addition the Blue Wall of Silence allows the corruption to thrive within the system of policing throughout the nation.  Consequently, today there is a lack of trust between the community and the police.  Moreover, the lack of integrity and racial discrimination are still at the core of this unjust treatment of people across the nation.    Today this is a Deadly Crisis.

There are some community based organizations that are working to help address this Deadly Crisis.  These organizations have not been heard by your administration.  However, they are the people that should be recognized for working to keep the peace while cities across the nation are confronted with crisis after crisis after the killing of Innocent Americans.  I will send you a very comprehensive video under separate cover that outlines a “Working Resolution to End Police Misconduct and Corruption.”  Invest three hours and learn what is really going on in the nation regarding this Deadly Crisis and discover what must be done now to bring this to an end.    

I submit to you today, the real impact of police misconduct, brutality, and the abuse of power cannot be seen from the advantage point of your life experiences or the position of President of the United States.  It goes beyond the current briefings that you receive and the few cases that you see on television from time to time.  A few years ago I was lead to go to the  internet and search "police abuse in the United States"   After watching videos of the abuse by police officers across the country, I was very, very sad.  I felt the pain, I felt the pain, and I felt the pain! I watched videos for about two hours.   Next, I was lead to google "How citizens are fighting back against police abuse."  I understand why some police are responding to some incidents the way they are with deadly force.”   I was troubled in my spirit. I witnessed a Very Deadly Crisis that we have allowed to happen in the nation.  There are some citizens that have armed themselves with knowledge of their rights and some are actually physically fighting back to include the use of guns and deadly force.  

Mr. President, you must be able to feel the pain of the family members by hearing their stories. Surely the practices of police must be studied.  However, in addition to the practices of police, the failure of prosecutors must be studied.   It is clear that the U. S. Supreme Court is doing an outstanding job in making rulings to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States.  The Community Relations Service has developed sound guidelines to help equip the law enforcement communities.  However, district attorneys’ and other prosecutors’ failure to indict officers giving these officers passes has created a serious problem.  Consequently, this failure in some instances would impact the decision of the Chiefs and Sheriffs when they refuse to arrest the officer involved in serious misconduct.  Moreover, it could even impact the attitudes of the officers that would do right, however he or she knows that they are given a pass so it does not really matter.  This is not the end of this chain of dispositions.  Why should an officer break the code of silence when he or she realizes nothing would be done to the officer because he or she has been given a pass?  According to the study regarding police attitude toward abuse of authority, most officers respect authority and have no desire to abuse it.  However, the tone has been set from the top when officers are given a pass; the Executive Order that you just signed may appear to the police force as a pass to continue in their wickedness.

It is a serious mistake to issue an Executive Order to protect the Law Enforcement Community from the public without hearing and addressing the concerns of the People.  Most Americans do not realize the gravity of this abuse of power and the killings of innocent Americans.  Some Americans think the demonstrations were about the killing of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.  However, it goes deeper than these cases.   If America knew about the hundreds of cases of unjustified killings by the law enforcement community and an awareness of police brutality their attitudes would be different.  Most Americans value life and do not endorse the killings of innocent Americans and the abuse of power.  Many People do not trust the police for just causes.  Moreover, there is corruption within the police that breed unrest within.   For the law enforcement community, education and the respect for the law of the land should be keys to ensuring that they have the right attitude to go forth and truly protect and serve. 

After reading some of the rulings of the Supreme Court regarding illegal arrest, I believe in the case of Mr. Eric Garner.  I believe the officers involved in his arrest and death would have handled the case completely different if they knew the rights of Mr. Eric Garner based on the Supreme Court’s rulings.  And if they believed that the prosecutors would prosecute if Mr. Garner's rights were violated.

President Trump, again you are in my prayers.  Ask the Justice Department to prepare a presentation on the complaints of police abuse and killing of people in the nation over the past five years.  Meet with community based organizations that are working crisis’s across the nation to help maintain peace after the unjustified killing of innocent Americans.  The Faith and Social Alliance is one of the organizations the work to that end.  Pastor Jerome McCorry is president of that organization and he also works with the Stolen Lives Project which helps minister to families across the country after the senseless killing of their loved ones by the police.

I pray in the name of Jesus, that you will take note of this counsel.  Moreover, we pray that we as the People come together and understand the gravity of this Deadly Crisis and take appropriate action to address the roots causes.  God has richly blessed America; we have everything we need to bring an end to this crisis, however the leadership must fear God and work in the best interest of the people.   President Trump, let us work together and make America great again.  You are in my daily prayers.

Sincerely yours,

Elmore Richmond Jr.

SMSgt (USAF Retired)

Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus


Resolution and Recommendations



With respect for the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the fear of God submit this resolution to the leadership of the nation to help improve the relationship between the public and the police.  We realize that God has blessed men and women in this nation with his knowledge and wisdom to resolve all concerns that threaten the lives of mankind. 

We believe in some of the cities the relationship of the police and communities across the United States is in a state of crisis.  Therefore, the resolution is already written, it is deeply rooted in the Constitution of The United States, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the oaths taken by public officials, and the oaths taken by the law enforcement community. In general these recommendations pertain to cities across the nation and the Federal Government.  The Law Makers have passed laws, the Supreme Court has made rulings and some of these ruling are being ignored by some appointed and elected officials.  Consequently, there is a lack of trust of the system.  This lack of trust goes beyond the law enforcement communities; it is a lack of trust in the system.

The U. S. Justice Department has made sound recommendations to help the law enforcement agencies to effectively carry out their duties to protect and serve.  One of those recommendations included community policing.   However there must be a revolution of thoughts.  Therefore, every elected or appointed official, law enforcement officers, and citizens of America must understand the gravity of this problem of the lack of trust by some of the system that is designed to protect and serve.   These views must not be ignored – for these concerns are real. 

President Trump, we all have taken oaths, you as President, Governors and Mayors, elected and appointed officials, law enforcement officers and every American must understand those oaths and respect them.   In 1999 Attorney General Janet Reno said, “For police officers to be effective, their enforcement of the law must be framed in mutual confidence between the people served and the people who serve them.  Every American must respect the law, but the law must respect every American.” This must ring true today!

Allow me to share a few recommendations for the leadership of the nation.

  • Police Use of Excessive Force: A Conciliation Handbook for the Police and the Community – the leadership of the nation should read this document and adhere to the recommendations contained therein. (This document covers most of the recommendations to help create effective law enforcement agencies and to improve community and police relationships.  However, the document must first be read and then take actions according to the recommendations as appropriate.
  • Prosecutors should respect the rulings of the Supreme Court and prosecute when violations occur
  • The Law Enforcement Agencies must be educated on the rights of citizens and their protection from illegal arrests etc.
  • An Education campaign to increase the awareness of the public of the gravity of this problem and its true nature.
  • Take action to address the root causes that create unsafe environments.
  • Demonstrate true concern for all the people throughout the United States.
  • Community policing should become the norm.
  • Work to ensure that the law enforcement agencies mirror the population they serve.
  • Pass new laws to ensure that a real gun does not look like a toy and a toy does not look like a real gun.
  • Ensure proper training of police officers.
  • Respect the laws of the land.
  • Execute your duties according to the oath that you have taken.
  • Encourage activities to Improve Police and Community Relationship.
  • Encourage and Promote better race relationships.
  • Take note of what is truly being conveyed in this report.
  • Let us all look within ourselves – take a hold of the real problem – respect cultural diversity – respect the law – share in love if you love God keep His commandments.
  • Invest in your community as if you were taking care of your home.

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