President Obama Calls Libyan Intervention Biggest Mistake - President Fails to Adhere to Warning

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President Obama Fails to Adhere to Warning

On April 7, 2011, at the direction of God in the name of Jesus, Prophet Richmond wrote a letter to President Obama and warned him about attempting to establish a democracy in Libya and other nations in the Middle East.  However, President Obama did not adhere to the warning – Now President Obama admits his worst failure was not planning for day after Libya intervention.

Prophet Richmond declares: surely this was one of the failures of President Obama; however this was not his worst failure.   President Obama worst failure is his failure to adhere to the counsel of God. 


Here is a quote from the letter to the President on April 7, 2011

 “ Mr. President, there is nothing done in the dark that will not be revealed.  I am a prophet of God, however there is no prophet accepted in his own country.  Nevertheless, my job is to share and provide counsel from God to the leaders and people to give them an opportunity to hear from God and an opportunity to repent.   Our current direction in the Middle East is very destructive and there will be dire consequences for our actions.  Therefore, I urge you to ensure proper counsel and go forth now to help thwart the perverse spirit.  The people in the region include the nations of Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Yemen need to know that they cannot just establish a democracy; however it takes time to develop this form of government and to bring it to full fruition – it may even take a civil war.

  1. President, if we allow the “Oil Agenda” to become our utmost concern and fail to provide the proper leadership, it will be a disservice to every nation in the region;   and we will plant more bad seeds that will eventually ripen.”

Click here to read the full text of the Letter to President Obama, dated April 7, 2011

Click here to view video and read President Obama's statement regarding Libyan Intervention the Biggest Mistake of His Administration


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