The Revelation of the Flooding in March 2016 in the U.S.

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On February 17, 2016 I published an article titled:  Report to the Nation - Call To Action Justice Scalia's Most Important Work”

In the article, I gave this authority for the report.   The revelation that God revealed to me has come to pass: The Flooding in March 2016.  God revealed the flooding to me about a month before it happened - this was not just a normal event for March in the United States, however it is being reported that the floods were at historic levels.

Authority for the Report to the Nation - Call to Action - Justice Scalia's Most Important Work

Now some of you are asking who am I to make this report and make these types of recommendations.  Well are you ready for this truth!  I am a Prophet of God in the name of Jesus.  Prior to the death the of Late Justice Scalia, I did not know anything about him.  However, immediately after I learned that he died, I went to the web and made a search on him and read his full dissent on the same-sex marriage case.  Next, I did a quick view of the Court Record on the Same-sex Marriage Case.  Before I retired for the evening, I asked God to order my steps and show me what was to come.  I had a dream about my brother, the Late Pastor Robert Lee Richmond who died last year.  He gave me the phone.  The next words that I heard were “This is Scalia!”  I said Who?  Again he said: “This is Scalia!”  Again I asked who?  The voice said: “Scalia!”   I did not awake up immediately from the dream however; next I am at my car ready to get in when I am approached by two young ladies selling women clothing and bags.  I told them that I was not interested in buying anything.  As I begin to back out the car there was a woman across the street she gave instructions to one of the young ladies.  When I pulled onto the street – I saw water shoot up through a storm drain with the pressure of a powerful hose.  I put my car in park and I looked on the other side of the street and I could see a wall of water coming between the houses toward where I was.  I began to back up my car.  Then I awoke from the dream.  There was no warning; however there were many homes in the path of destruction.

On Sunday, February 14, 2016 I read the entire Ruling of the Court Case on Same-sex Marriage.  On February 15, 2016, I studied the case and then prepared this work.  What compelled me to do this you may ask? 

Now let me answer your question.  God sent me.  The Late Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion is a call to action.  God loves America – Marriage is an Institution of God – Man does not have the power nor the authority to Change God’s Institution of Marriage.  By the time some of you will read this communication the incident regarding the “wall of water” would have already happened or it will happen very soon.  This is the way that you will know that God has sent me in the name of Jesus with this message.   This is not a new experience for me to receive revelations from God.  God revealed to me 9/11 before it happened.  I wrote President George W. Bush 13 times at the direction of God and all revelations have come to pass.  I have written President Barack Obama more than 20 times and the revelations keep coming to pass. 

God loves America and God wants to bless America.  However, the leadership has caused the People to err.  Today, every branch of Government in the United States is corrupt.  The President has demonstrated that He does not Fear God; consequently we do some of the things that God hates.   The House and Senate have issued laws that have failed to protect the Democracy - In order to have a government for and by the people – Democracy must keep capitalism in check.  Now the Supreme Court must be brought in Check.   Visit our web site at revelationuptotheminute to discover more about the ministry and other revelations.

I pray that you will answer this call for action.  Moreover, I pray in the name of Jesus that leadership of America will adhere to the counsel of God in the name of Jesus.

Sincerely yours,

Elmore Richmond Jr., Co-Founder

The Church Readiness Ministries

Power Pack Center For Social And Economic Justice, President

A Prophet of God in the Name of Jesus


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