1992 LA Riot Burned Out Black Business Owner Shares the Way Forward for 2020

June 21, 2020
In 1992, (USAF Retired) SMSgt Elmore Richmond Jr. makes a report to the nation after his business was destroyed in the Los Angeles’ riot, after the jury verdict of not guilty of the four police officers who beat Rodney King. Viewers are given an opportunity to see a news account of Richmond visiting the site of his business that was burned down in the riot. Viewers also are given the opportunity to see a video report that Richmond made to President Bush and other leaders around the country. Richmond took advantage of his expertise; while he was in the military, it was his primary duty to help ensure members of the military was treated fairly; he advised commanders at every level to ensure there was a healthy human relations climate everywhere he was assigned for more than sixteen years. Viewers will discover what happened in 1992, it mirrors what is going on today in 2020. In 1992, Richmond warned the leadership of the nation that if they failed to adhere to the counsel in about 27 years they would experience riots over the land and how they would see cities in America burn. Today, the question is posed to the leadership of America and the people: “Are We Really Serious about holding the Police accountable." Moreover, the video provides insight for communities who are in the process of rebuilding – this counsel is for us today; although it was given in 1992, it provides insight for us today to keep us from making some of the same mistakes. In 1992, Richmond did not know that GOD in the name of JESUS called him to be one of His prophets. However, after GOD revealed 911 to him before it happened, he knows that he has been called as a Prophet to the Nation. Richmond outlines action that is being taken now to ensure that the counsel of GOD goes forth. This video is surely a blessing from GOD to guide us to help effect healing of the nation. The presentation concludes with a powerful song titled: America, America – this song is a plead to America to work together and address the needs of the people.

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