2020 Rodney King Blues is Never Good News

June 15, 2020
After the Police murdered George Floyd, many are experiencing what can be described as the "Rodney King Blues!" In 1992, an unknown artist produced a song called "Rodney King Blues in a way to express what was going on and why some expressed their outrage to injustice the way that they did. "RKB" is a condition that we must work together to bring to an end. Life is being brought back to this recording and Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr, shares the actions that being taken to help bring an end to the "Rodney King Blues." Viewers are given an opportunity to watch and listen to this powerful song and rap and reflect on what they can do to effect change to ensure that we hold the police accountable. Viewers will clearly understand we cannot stop "RKB" with appeasement or our military might - this is a spiritual battle. It is important for viewers to watch the video to the very end to receive the spiritual message.

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