God Declared that America Would Experience a Plague of National Disasters - 2016

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God declared that America would experience a Plague of National Disasters

President George W. Bush, October 26, 2001

Below is a Quote from this letter:

Dear Mr. President:

I am a Prophet of God.  I wrote you twenty days ago as God directed me.  However, you have failed to adhere to the word of God.  God has commanded me to write you again.   Mr. President, you continue to add sin onto sin.  God knows every one of them.  Even the ones that you classify as Top Secret, and God has revealed some of those secrets to me.  Mr. President, if you do not change this destructive path, terror will continue to visit America.  Moreover, America will experience a plague of national disasters at a level that this nation has not experienced in its short 200 year history.  Many lives will be lost and fear will continue within the borders of the United States.  However, if you should hearken to the word of God, terror will not come near this nation, and America’s peace will be as a river, and nation’s righteousness will be as the waves of the sea.

Letter to President Bush, January 14, 2003 – Click On this link to read the complete Letter

Below is a quote from the letter: 


 Dear Mr. President:

             For many years, God has given me visions and revelations and some of them were regarding our military.   Over the past year, I have shared some of them with you as God commanded me to do so.  Besides sharing the visions, I have shared the revelation that we were not walking in the counsel of God and I provided you with corrective actions as God revealed them to me.  Mr. President, the United States has failed to take the corrective actions.  Now consequently, God will remove His covering from around the United States’ battlements if you do not receive His counsel. God has revealed this to me in several visions and the Holy Spirit led me to the appropriate scriptures. 

              I am being obedient to the Lord by bringing you the message from the living God.  Mr. President, God is real and His laws regarding His righteousness are still in effect.  God said that His righteousness is forever.  Therefore, we must learn from the history of great nations of the past when they fail to receive the counsel of God.  Today, the United States is walking in error by trusting in oppression and perverseness, like Judah did, as it is recorded in Isaiah Chapter 29 and Chapter 30.   


Click here to read the complete Letter to President Bush, dated March 7, 2003


Click here to view the Continued Plague of Natural Disasters for 2016

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